Ivermectin; Get it Anyway You Can!

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Harrow Evrybroddy!


Just out of interest dear reader, do you happen to own one of the last two thousand Giant Panda bears left on planet Earth?

How about a thoroughbred stud racehorse worth $70 million (£53.7 million), say like Fusaichi Pegasus, below, who currently holds the title of the most expensive horse in history?


What about an Elephant, a Lion, Leopard, or a Wolf?

Nope, me neither.

But if you did own a zoo or a stud farm and your mega expensive prize exhibits had a parasitic infection, guess what medicine you’d treat them with?

Veterinary Liquid Ivermectin.

My point?

You may not be able to source Ivermectin tablets right now, but the next best thing will be Liquid Ivermectin.

But before you go all menstrual because it says ‘Veterinary Solution’ on the box, have a think about all the above animals, which I assure you, are better kept, fed, watered, and in much better shape than just about anyone reading this is.

The owners of Zoo’s, Safari Parks, Nature Reserves and Livestock farms you understand, are not mugs!

Unlike the general public, they don’t have their super expensive, beautiful, rare, endangered, and exotic animals running to an idiot doctor every time the wind changes, usually resulting in yet another toxic, disease management prescription drug, perhaps even to be added to the three, four or five the patient is already on.

Farmers are also tight arses, and as far as I know there’s no Medicare or NHS for Lions, it’s the owners and zoo shareholders that pick up the medical tab when things go sideways.

I really can’t be arsed to labour this point, but when a woman who’s had a completely unnecessary hysterectomy, and who’s on daily statins, blood thinners, Co-Codamol pain killers, and an anti-diuretic drug, when that lady cuts up rough about having her life saved by a ‘Veterinary Use’ product, she can fuck off as far as I’m concerned.

Especially since the silly woman is also contemplating taking a vaccine and its booster, without first even knowing if she might already have the antibodies for Covid, and thus be immune already, never mind the disastrous recent memory of the swine flu vaccine, and the many people it damaged.

‘Veterinary Use’ or ‘Veterinary Liquid’ simply means the products been ‘Licensed for use in animals’ Whereas some people seem to think it means the product was formulated on a kebab shop floor, instead of in a tightly controlled, sterile and professional laboratory.

These are the type of boneheads I have to deal with day in day out, but if my analogy of only using a super safe product on hyper expensive show animals wasn’t convincing enough, here’s a doctor I’ve personally trusted for 12 years now, who’s speaking specifically about his family taking the veterinary liquid Ivermectin, and describing it as; “Safe as Water” Click this link to watch it;


Beyond that, there’s not much I can do for people (short of putting straw down for them!), because they’re simply cattle.

Just sheep being fattened up for the kill by Big Pharma, Big Government, Big Media, or fuck knows who, but whoever they are they must be Big and well organised to have pulled off this; ‘Scam of the Century’, that much we do know.

And, along with Big Agra who’ll still keep spraying and poisoning our shitty grains and veg, and Big Banking, who’ll repossess all our assets then kindly loan us the dough to get back on our feet, those three Big Boys above, along with these two Giants, will, as always, come out well in front.

Just think about that for a moment please.

If you owned Government, Pharma, Banking, Agriculture and the Media (and Big Tech if you include the useless PCR test), what atrocities couldn’t you pull off against a global population who’ve given up the ability to think for themselves?

There’s literally nothing you couldn’t get done or set up with that kind of power, is there?

You could start a war on terror or a financial meltdown, no problem, so a ‘Pandemic’ that leaves 99.75% of people still standing after a year, well, that’d be a walk in the park to create, wouldn’t it?

We’ve all unknowingly been enrolled at a university of hard knocks and tested to the extreme for a whole year now, and we’ve all passed the course, ‘Magna Cum Laude’ (with honours).

The trouble is, the course was in our ability to suspend our critical thinking, blindly do as we were fucking told, trust idiots within a broken and corrupt medical model, and then get on the train that takes us all for a lovely warm shower!

I for one am disgusted at myself, even after researching for hundreds of hours, writing, editing and publishing upwards of 30,000 words on Covid, distributed worldwide, and ensuring all press and media were copied in, and after even writing to ‘Boris’ himself!

I still feel I should have, could have, and will have, to do more.

And still I feel like a total mug.

How about you?

“Search Your Feelings Luke”

Or are you just numb perhaps?

Understandably so.

Back to purchasing and dosing with Ivermectin.

My parents have the tablets winging their way to them in the UK, with the non-prescription liquid also ordered as back up.

In my neck of the woods, however, the tablets are unavailable, but the Veterinary liquid is, and it’s this product that I’ve been taking for three years anyway, so I’m cool and the gang.

Where I live its labelled; ‘Vilmectin’ or ‘Ivomec’


Clients have told me when they asked for Ivermectin they received a blank stare from the pharmacist!

My apologies for that, I really thought that any chemist worth his/her salt would type the active ingredient into a computer and come out with Vilmectin or Ivomec, which you have to agree aren’t a million miles away from Ivermectin. Are they?

So sorry for any wasted trips thus far, unless these pharmacists are already; ‘unzer orders from ze furer’ not to sell the product to you, in favour of the jabs!

I truly hope I’m wrong on that one, and it’s just down to dreary pharmacists who are equally shell-shocked by the past year’s fiasco.

Ok. So while you’re at the chemist buy yourself any 3 or 5 ml syringe, (with a needle) and now you’ll have your 50ml bottle of Villmectin or Ivomec, and syringe, in front of you.


I’m not a doctor, and this is not medical advice, so you can do as you please, but this is what I did.

I weigh 80 kilograms, so working with the Covid Alliances numerous eminent Professors’ advice, and reams of new medical studies, I needed 0.2 milligrams of Ivermectin per kilo of bodyweight, or 0.09 mg per pound, however your scales measure your weight.

80 kg x 0.2 mg = 16 mg or 176 lbs x 0.09 = 15.84 mg.

On the box of Vilmectin, for example, they kindly tell you that to get 10mg of Ivermectin you’ll need 1ml of the fluid in the vial, so I needed just a tiny bit over 1.5 ml, which you can clearly see marked on the syringe in the photo above.

So I drew 1.5 ml of liquid into the syringe and I was good to go.

In fact, the dosage for killing all parasites that I take once or twice a year anyhow is 1 ml of liquid for each 50 kilos of bodyweight, which is actually slightly more than 1.5 ml, so this clinically proven protocol isn’t calling for any extreme dosages in case you’re wondering, far from it in fact.

So then I had my 1.5 ml of Ivermectin in my syringe, which converts to exactly the same 15 or 16 mg I’d get if I took around one and a half 10 mg tablets.

I then had the choice to inject the contents of the syringe subcutaneously (in fat), or shoot it into any beverage, so guess which one I preferred?

I drank my small glass of orange or lemonade containing Ivermectin, and didn’t taste a bloody thing. Job done.

I repeated that procedure with a second dose 48hrs later, then the same dose every 2 weeks.

At that rate I’ll have used 4.5 ml of fluid in just over 2 weeks, and the bottle holds 50 ml.

So, my 50 ml vial is down to 45 ml (keeping it simple), leaving me with 30, 1.5 ml doses left.

Or, at one dose every 2 weeks, enough to see me through to 2022.

And, all for the princely sum of £7.60!

That’s how simple this all is, and no ‘Gods in White Coats’ or toxic vaccine additives needed.

Full disclosure here; Although I’m pretty sure I had the bug in March/April, and was ‘almost’ completely asymptomatic, I’m not going anywhere near a lab for a wanky PCR test to find out.


Because if I do test positive it’ll be falsely interpreted that I’m ill, or contagious, right now, resulting in name taking and quarantine etc., so fuck that.

So, the only reason I’m doing this protocol, on the off chance I haven’t had Covid-19, is; to stop the virus replicating inside me if I do catch it, and thus rendering me non contagious to my fellow members of the public.

The experts are also recommending optional co-interventions of Melatonin (6 mg at night), Zinc (50 mg/day), 3,000 IU/day of Vitamin D3 and a couple of grams of Vitamin C a day.

All of the above (and much more I might add), is old news to any of our clients, and, even those who hire us for a Life Coaching or a Sales Seminar get that above advice, never mind anyone who spends time reading our information on health or cancer, here at Blunt Coach.

But, if you do need more information on immune boosting, either hire us, or send us some shekels and drop us a line, because, and we hope you understand, there has to be a limit on the free stuff.

Please also remember, that this protocol is for, according to this team of brilliant experts;

“Prophylaxis (Prevention) for high risk individuals” or “Post COVID-19 exposure prophylaxis (Prevention)” which means; “for use if a household member is COVID-19 positive, or you have prolonged exposure to a COVID-19 positive patient without wearing a mask”

If you don’t consider yourself a high risk individual, then you may of course opt to do absolutely nothing, and, ordinarily, I’d agree with you and say; ‘what truly healthy person cares a toss about seasonal flu anyhow’

However, now, thanks to the global hype and political correctness gone mad, you or I can’t take that cavalier attitude any longer, not without scorn or even hatred from our fellow citizens.

You see friend, society today is no longer set up to keep the strong winning, it’s geared to stop the weak from losing, and even to stop them from feeling bad about the fact that they’re losers.

That’s legions of people whose utter distain for critical thought and preventative action, or their sheep like mentality if you will, allowed them to fall victim to big pharma and the current, corrupt and broken medical model, hook, line, and sinker.

In other words, you and I, the robust, healthy, virile and fit members of society, those of us that can still touch our toes, think for ourselves and act upon those thoughts, those few of us who don’t trust our doctors as far as we could throw them, we men and women, boys and girls, and even the many robust seniors among us, we all need to be vaccinated and stay away from school, or stay at home, perhaps facing financial ruin, for the sake of the unhealthy, unhappy and often times lazy fuckers, who can’t be arsed to read anything longer than the back of a fag packet.

Oh, they can run, cycle, walk or talk bollocks for hours to raise money for oncology it seems, all the while fantasizing about being in the SAS, or being romanced off their feet by a man with strong arms called Mr Darcy.

But read a non-fiction book a month, learn how to prevent cancer, or study this material, hell no.

As a wise business mentor of mine once said; “Most people are too busy making a living to earn a fortune”

And a wise woodsman told me; “Too busy chopping down trees to sharpen the saw”

Thank you for stopping by to sharpen your saw with us today, and we hope we’ve been of continuing help and further assistance.

Please make a donation to help fund our continued efforts by clicking here to buy us a cup of coffee;


Best Regards,

Andy and Steven Dunne. a.k.a The Blunt Coaches

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