Scientific Proof that Bad Language is Professional?

BluntCoachSales12 Comments

People often ask me if swearing here at BluntCoach is absolutely necessary?

Fuck yeah!

You better believe it’s necessary, and I promise when you finish this article, regardless of your view on profanity, you’ll have learned a few industry secrets that nobody’s willing to discuss.

Here’s why;

An outstanding speaker or trainer needs to be able to express himself in his most natural state.

Words on a page are one thing, but are you seriously telling me that the Bible comes across with the same impact and in the same manner when you read it, as it comes across verbally from a passionate preacher standing in a pulpit, addressing a packed and excited congregation?

No, it doesn’t, and why?

Because emotion, passion, conviction, sincerity and powerful beliefs are what truly matter in communication, and the words that are spoken merely piggyback on those powerful emotions, and it’s those components that make all the difference in the world to the impact of the words on the recipient.

Oh shit, did I just shoot myself in the foot there?

I mean preachers don’t swear do they, yet they still get a pretty big following and are mega-successful.

So how’s that possible without swearing?

Well, if I was also selling religious shit to shit kickers, then it wouldn’t matter how I presented the information either, but I’m not. I’m selling serious life-changing information to serious consumers, the majority of whom don’t believe in fairies or men in the clouds sharing profound life coaching tips exclusively with goat herders!

And always remember; You can put lipstick on a pig! (think religion for the pig)

Try reading a speech by Sir Winston Churchill, Adolf Hitler, John F. Kennedy, or Martin Luther King.

Even though you have a good idea of the speaking style and body language of the charismatic individuals above, you have to agree there’s just no comparison to watching the original broadcast by the actual speakers.

Taking Words on a Fantastic Journey!

In personal development terms, or Life Coaching, Sales Training etc., think of the words, however good they are, as being merely the passengers on a journey, and imagine the emotions, as the vehicle in which those passengers travel to their destination.

To effect any lasting change, create a powerful impact, or make any meaningful difference in a person’s life, that destination has to be deep in their subconscious mind.

Your neocortex is the part of your brain that processes words, logic, facts and figures, and it simply won’t help you in this respect, in fact, it’s about as much use to lasting change as a turd in a swimming pool, which is why 99% of positive thinking is bullshit (positive thinking takes place in the conscious mind, and lasting change doesn’t!).

As an aside for a moment, I find that if you lend the same book to 2 people, one that’s got kids and one who doesn’t, then eight times out of 10 the reader that has children will get more from the material in the book.


Because the reader that has two or more children has had to become excellent at reading stories!

They’ve had a lot of practice building intrigue, suspense, surprise, humour, and other critical components of the art of good storytelling for children.

Am I making sense?

So, when the parents of children read the book you’ve recommended, they’re better able to get into character as it were, and so connect to the authors true intent and passion.

They may not know the author or have any idea of their exact speaking style, but they’ll use their imagination and hear the words (it’s called sub vocalisation), with way more impact on their subconscious mind.

Because of this ability, or lack of it, I hope it explains how two intelligent people can get vastly different benefits from studying the same material. Almost to the point where you doubt one of them actually read the book at all!

Are you with me?

I hope so because this is seriously important.

This will also explain how a certifiable lunatic like Adolf Hitler, along with many religious nuts and cult leaders, have historically managed to sell crap that any intelligent person would say ‘makes no sense’, were they to simply read it, yet they did swallow that same evil garbage, hook line and sinker, but only after connecting to the speakers on a more primitive and emotional level.

Now, without going too deep into the neuroscience, I want you to know that there’s a barrier placed in between the conscious mind and your subconscious mind (it’s called the limin), you can think of it like a dam that’s holding back a powerful river, and remember, it’s the subconscious you want to impact to make any significant difference in your life, not the conscious mind.

So the trick for understanding lasting change is knowing how to breach this dam (limin), because you can’t do it via the conscious mind.

If you could, then everyone would be happy, healthy, fit, sexy, fertile, rich and successful, simply from the use of some bullshit positive thinking, which is exactly what the people who sell this crap want you to believe!

Nor is making lasting change anything to do with intelligence, far from it in fact.

We all know people with a wall full of diplomas who have their heads so jam-packed full of facts and figures that they could trample Donald Trump in a game of Monopoly, or destroy Stephen Hawkins in trivial pursuit, but they’re still total losers, probably also with their arses hanging out their trousers (poor).

So a neocortex stuffed full of words, facts or figures from a textbook, seminar or university course, is akin to a chocolate teacup!

How are our most vivid memories created, and why should we care?

By understanding the above, we can begin to unlock a secret path to the subconscious mind.

Ask any 80-year-old to recount their most vivid memories, and you’ll hear stories from their childhood or early teens.


Because that’s when their hormones were at their highest.

And what do hormones drive?

That’s right, our hormones drive powerful, deep, and everlasting emotions!

Emotions that assisted, amplified and transported if you will, the words, actions or events, deep into the subconscious of the elderly person recounting the story.

Most 80 yr. olds can easily recount a story that’s over 70 yrs. old, but in vivid detail and with uncanny accuracy, and now you understand why.

Now let me ask you a question, dear reader.

If you were to be transported to a most important destination tonight, would you rather go on a scooter or in a Rolls-Royce?

Assuming you’re wearing your best tuxedo or wedding dress, it’s raining outside, and you have to navigate your way through a river of shit (the neocortex), to get there?

If any public speaker, trainer, or Life Coach like me, has to suppress his natural inclination to swear and curse, perhaps for political correctness, politeness, to gain votes, then they’d be better off passing their wisdom onto another speaker who’s never cursed in his life, and then ask that guy to teach it to you.

Assuming, ‘that guy’ gives a flying fuck about you (sorry; gives an ‘airborne fornication’) and assuming he’s in the right industry, then with a bit of enthusiasm, passion, fun and sincerity, he may be able to help you.

But how many middlemen, or brokers, truly care about the person in the middle?

As an example, let’s assume you do swear from time to time, and you really want to burn the idea into your brain that a particular individual is a bad person, or you want your kids to stay clear of him because he’s a paedophile, then instead of saying out loud; “That man’s a Cad and a Bounder.” Try saying instead; “That guy’s a Complete Cunt”

And while you’re saying the ‘C’ word, grit your teeth and punch the air with your fist.

Get extremely angry. You should, this guy wants to fuck one of your children in his garden shed, perhaps even kill them.

You’ll never forget to watch out for that guy, and nor will your children, provided you take the vastly more powerful option two above that is!

You see, ‘Motion Creates Emotion’, and your mind will interpret the gritted teeth and clenched fists above shoulder height as aggression.

It’ll even release a little shot of stress hormones because the subconscious part of you has no concept of acting, truth or untruth, real or imagined.

If humans had relied on a system of ‘Stimulus, Analysis, Response’ in emergency situations 2 million years ago, we’d all be extinct, because in a life or death crisis there simply isn’t enough time for this process.

We have to be able to bypass the conscious, rational, analytical mind, and in times of extreme crisis, be able to directly access the super-fast subconscious.

So, it’s Stimulus/Response, or even just plain response to intuition (where no stimulus is required), that’s got us to the top of the biological food chain.

As a young man, I was intuitively suspicious of people who never swore, as if they were being fake or somewhat insincere.

My dad never had a problem with swearing, and I guess since they’ve been married for 59 years, neither did my mum.

My mum is very much a Mary Poppins in my eyes, i.e. “Practically Perfect in Every Way.” Yet still, and even to this day, on those very rare occasions when mum does swear in a conversation, a strange sense of satisfaction engulfs me, and further reassures me, as if I needed any reassurance at all, that my mum is indeed human, and sincerely expressing it.

It was the same with my teachers at school, my martial arts coach, and any other significant mentors on my journey through life.

I always felt a better connection with, and used more of the teachings from people that used the odd bit of passionate profanity here and there, than with those who didn’t, or at least pretended they didn’t swear!

I’ve never been in the Army, where the saying “swearing like a trooper” comes from, but I did work on a construction site from time to time and can attest to the fact that I probably swear only 20% as much as those guys.

By the way, thanks for being patient here on this topic, and 3 minutes from now you’ll fully understand something that absolutely no one else on the internet is talking about.

Something not one single Life Coach, Sales Trainer or Health Guru ever thought to share with you as; ’Vital Information’, and for 2 good reasons.

What some Life Coaches, Experts and Guru’s don’t Want You to Know!

Firstly, they don’t have a fucking clue this scientific evidence I’m about to share with you even exists!

Secondly, because they’re so full of shit anyhow (content-wise), it doesn’t matter too much that their rubbish material is only ever delivered to your conscious mind via a ‘Rickshaw’, as opposed to the Rolls Royce I use to deliver my words, directly to your subconscious.

Garbage trucks aren’t very attractive to look at, are they?

No, they don’t need to be because they’re only transporting trash to a dump.

But you wouldn’t want to get married in one, would you?

Think; Shit for Shit Kickers again!

Harsh words you say?

Well, hold on just a minute then, and let’s just have a little think for a moment…..

What would you suggest the odds are of every single Sales Coach, Life Coach, Health/Fitness Guru, Politician, Athlete or Public Figure currently selling their wares on the internet or YouTube, never using swear words as part of their everyday vocabulary?

Come on, what are the odds of that happening?

Or, could they all be just a bunch of manipulative and insincere fuckers, simply out to win our votes or dollars, at the expense of sincerity?

All too terrified at the thought of losing a single Dollar of business to the Bible Bashers, Puritans, Quakers, and the politically correct sensitive types out there?

In other words, are they not just another two-faced Politician or Athlete, who seems to feel the need to publicly thank Jesus, every chance they get.

You see, these people are smart enough to know that no atheist or gay man would deny a man a vote or a sponsorship deal, simply on the basis of his religious beliefs or sexual preferences.

But a bible basher most certainly would (particularly in the USA), deny a vote or money to an openly atheist or gay politician, regardless of how good his policies were for the country.

He could be the reincarnation of John F Kennedy and Mother Theresa, but were he to announce that he doesn’t believe in a man in the clouds, likes bum sex, and he used the word motherfucker once a year, he’d starve to death, or never get elected.

Seriously though, what are those odds like, that the only popular politicians or coaches out there are being totally sincere with us?

Every President, Prime Minister, 100-meter sprinter, Guru or salesperson on QVC, from any country in the world where this might matter, just coincidently happens to believe in God!

And doesn’t swear!

For fuck sake, wake up and smell the coffee people!

For the first 20 years of my coaching career, I struggled to ‘accommodate’ my language for those of a more sensitive disposition.

Each time I did this, my student’s results diminished!

But every time I ramped up the intensity, the passion and the emotion, the results went up.

I even submitted a ‘Self Help Book’ (as they were then known as) to a publisher in the 1990’s and was told; “brilliant work Andy, but it needs sanitizing”

Did I comply?

Fuck no!

Something intuitively told me this was wrong, and a total sell-out to anyone that knows me, or enjoys my style of presenting.

Maybe the world wasn’t ready for the Blunt Coach back then.

The Future of Personal Development is Here!

Its 2016 people and we now have the internet, which means your never more than 3 clicks away from a high definition black cock, so let’s get real and be honest.

Cut the hypocrisy and the bullshit, and start understanding the science behind my methods.

And if you can’t separate my personality and ‘potty mouth’, from the quality of my messages, then I’m truly and sincerely sorry.

But I can’t tailor my style for all the people who either don’t swear, or pretend they don’t, and in so doing ruin the transmission of my message for the vast majority that do swear, and who can handle the gritty and often unpalatable truth about life.

I’m not taking my fangs out for anyone, or at any price, because I truly love my fellow Brothers and Sisters and, since I was 10 years old, have taken so much joy from sharing and bringing happiness into this otherwise fucked up world.

However, If that’s not enough, then allow me to offer you this insight;

Scientific Proof that Profanity Makes for Perfect Learning!

So, now let’s get to the science of what makes me, your Blunt Coach, and Sir Alan Sugar (assuming he swears), so effective as leaders in the grand scheme of things.

In 1999, neuroscientists at the; Functional Neuroimaging Laboratory, Department of Psychiatry, Weill Medical College of Cornell University, New York, hooked up some healthy volunteers to a positron emission tomography machine, or in layman’s terms, a brain scanner.

When exposed to ‘Taboo’ and ‘Threat’ words, the activity in the Amygdala was ‘Significantly Greater’ than with non-threat words.

Your amygdala is like the smoke detector of your mind, your fight or flight survival department if you prefer. It’s situated in the most ancient and primitive part of your brain, called the Limbic System.

Sometimes it’s referred to as the R Complex or Reptilian Brain!

Let’s just recap here.

Remember I told you about your Neo (new) Cortex, named as such as its regarded as the most recently evolved part of the mind.

Split into a left and right hemisphere, it’s concerned with all our ‘Higher Functions’ both logical and creative.

But the Reptilian brain is far more interesting to us.

Step into the Mind of an Apex Predator!

Imagine you’re a crocodile for a moment. Go on just try….

There’s not much to think about besides eating, and making baby crocodiles, is there?

I’ve seen them in nature movies fighting lions and so on, but I  doubt if running away (flight) is ever on the crocodiles mind.

So the crocs instinctual mindset is that something either wants killing and eating, killing and storing under a log for eating later or fucking, so as to pass its genes on.

Either way, if you’re within biting range of one of these predators you’re fucked, because they’re all pure reptilian brained creatures.

Now it’s 2016, and you’re a Human Being again, and, unless you’re a crocodile being poked with a stick by a stupid Australian who likes teasing 15-foot dinosaurs and stingrays, or you’re a first responder or soldier, then perhaps you need a more familiar example of how your amygdala usually shows up for you, in these modern times.

Just imagine you open your linen closet to get a lovely warm bath towel, and your crazy cat jumps out in your face!
There’s no time to weigh this up with logic or rational thoughts like, ‘there are no predators or monsters living in my house, this must be my pet cat?’, Or; ‘ah, isn’t she cute, she’s so funny’ and so forth.
Nor is there any time to get all creative and try and catch the cat in mid-air, or to take a snapshot to post on Facebook.

Oh no.
If it’s happening to me, then ‘Tiddles’ is going for a quick flight across the room into the wall, at precisely the same time as I break the world record for the backwards jump with a 180-degree twist.

My conscious, rational, mammalian brain won’t get a say in the matter.

Do you get my drift?

The best bit from all this that I need you to focus on for me is of the amygdala’s responsibility for processing emotions and deep long-term memory.

Whatever it is that catches the attention of the amygdala, then that information becomes stored in a top priority, long-term memory filing cabinet, deep in the subconscious mind.


Because it might save your life one day, since in this example, things that jump out on you unexpectedly, often aren’t good things.

The emotional charge elicited from any swearing and the adrenaline dump you experienced when the cat jumped out on you, became the (Rolls Royce) that transported the event (passengers, information or event), and the lesson connected to it, across the river of useless shit and trivia (conscious neocortex and Limin), and into the only destination that should really matter for long-term memory, lasting change, adaptation, and survival to take effect.

Your incredible subconscious mind.

It’s unlikely you’ll ever open that towel closet again without at least some anticipation of danger.

This is why all the top so-called Life Coaches out there, include some sort of subliminal or hypnotic training in their packages.
They know they have to get into your subconscious somehow.

I refuse to give them credit for knowing how the limbic system works as just discussed, because if they did know that by not expressing their true personalities through their words, that it rendered those messages practically worthless, then they’ve gone from being ignorant of the facts, which can be forgiven, to becoming an outright fraud and a fake.

Actually, I just had a funny thought I must share with you.

Wouldn’t it be hilarious if we analysed a Tony Robbins (the worlds richest life coach) hypnotic Cd, and heard him subliminally saying; ‘get off your fucking butt you lazy fat motherfucker, or I’ll kill you with my gun’

Haha, maybe that’s how the ‘Experts’ do cross the limin to the subconscious and apply real passion through fear and threat words, I don’t honestly know.

Kill, Murder, and Gun, are also classed and perceived as; ‘Threat Words’, by the way, and on the subject of Tony Robbins, watch or listen to anything he produced in the first 25 years of his career, and guess what?

Not a curse word in sight!

Now watch or listen to anything he’s done in the past 5 years, and it’s fuck this and motherfucker that.

How come?

Well maybe, just maybe, he’d have never got on Oprah Winfrey’s show and become the flavour of the month, with fuck this and fuck that!

Perhaps none of the TV networks would have broadcast any of his infomercials, and maybe he thought he’d wait till he had half a billion dollars safely in the bank before being his true self.

Or are we supposed to believe a 55 yr. old man just learnt to swear yesterday?

More Hard Science;

2005; the use of taboo phrases in a word-location task increased subjects’ ability to correctly remember the location of the word. MacKay, D.G., and Ahmetzanov, M.V. (2005). Emotion, Memory, and Attention in the Taboo Stroop Paradigm: An Experimental Analogue of Flashbulb Memories. Psychological Science. 16(1): 25-32.

2006; a study concluded; ‘Another interesting use of taboo language is as a cathartic experience, a way of expressing and alleviating pain, frustration, stress, or regret’ (Jay et al. 2006).

2011; ‘Swearing was also shown to increase the ability of subjects to tolerate pain’. Stephens, R. and Umland, C. (2011). Swearing as a response to pain – effect of daily swearing frequency. J Pain. 12(12): 1274-81.

Can you see now, how I’d be tragically letting you down by suppressing my natural inclination to use colourful language as a dynamic, emotional charge to my training?

It’s simply my natural way to get your attention, then to get my coaching to sink in, and, by attaching more importance to it, you will use it more often, and eventually own it, and benefit greatly from it!

The more times you use it (spaced repetition), the deeper it gets ingrained.

Spaced repetition is known in my trades of Life Coaching, Sales and Fitness Training, as

‘The Mother of all Learning’

Well congratulations, because you just discovered who the Daddy of Learning is, and a brilliant shortcut to where he lives!

Understanding how to access the subconscious means Blunt Coaching goes way beyond being a simple collection of ideas, that may or may not turn into habits, and instead quickly becomes a new part of your personality.

That personality will govern your character, which ultimately governs your destiny.


Now then. Did I keep my promise?

Did I provide you with value, that outweighed your time invested reading this, perhaps a thousand times?

Maybe you’re in your late teens or twenties, and not knowing any difference you’re thinking; ‘yeah, that’s pretty interesting’

You lucky bugger.

Had I had this type of wisdom in my twenties, I wouldn’t have waited till I was 40 to become a multi-millionaire. I’d have cracked it by 28.

Or are you in the 30 to 60-year-old bracket, and wondering why, after spending a couple of grand over the years on various products, courses, books and CD’s, and then investing thousands of hours listening, watching, reading, and attending seminars, you never once stumbled across a performer that used profanity!

And no one thought to explain why it’s never been the message, but the messenger, in his ‘natural’, passionate state, that really counts.

That’s what really resonates with you, and gives the content it’s true value and impact.

Assuming the contents up to scratch of course.

The next time you see one of these Life Coaching ‘performers’ on stage, or in a DVD, who tells you how he started out eating rats in alleyways and lived in a shit stained cardboard box under a motorway, you can then marvel as I do, at how well this person’s grammar and vocabulary turned out.

Perhaps the slums of the world now offer meditation, anger management, etiquette, bible classes, and elocution lessons to its residents, as well as chronic dysentery!

Or maybe it’s all a bloody act!

I mean people can act religious, enthusiastic, energetic, truthful, sincere, passionate and wise, can’t they?

Otherwise, where would Hollywood, Religion, and Politics be!

I wouldn’t worry too much. The Life Coaching content these people charge good money for is 90% intellectual vomit anyhow, so it may as well travel to its destination by a rickshaw.

Besides, they were probably taught by some other insincere arsehole, who also refrained from profanity, thanked Jesus endlessly, reminded everyone how many black friends they had, complimented Asian drivers, and priced himself into the market right alongside everyone else.

‘The Going Rate’ as they call it.


I just did a quick word search for fuck, fucking and fuckers in this article, and found 18 instances. Not sure if I’m happy with that or not, but then there’s wankers above, 5 shits and a cunt, so well under 30 swear words in 3,330 lovingly crafted words, or less than 1% profanity.

Bearing in mind this whole article is about the science behind profanity, so one might expect to see colourful language within it, I can assure readers that the overall percentage of swear words on is under 0.10% , so 1 swear per 1,000 words or less.

Is that a lot?

Fucked if I know!

Blunt Coach Andy.

Swearing as a response to pain

Swearing as a Response to Pain—Effect of Daily Swearing Frequency

Swearing: A Biopsychosocial Perspective

12 Comments on “Scientific Proof that Bad Language is Professional?”

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