A Blunt word on Critics!

BluntCoachLife Coaching

“It behoves every man to remember that the work of the critic is of altogether secondary importance, and that, in the end, progress is accomplished by the man who does things”. Theodore Roosevelt

We all have a choice; we can be the ones who do things, or we can become the wankers who criticize others without doing anything of value ourselves.

If Audi wants to criticize BMW, then that’s not such a terrible thing, since Audi makes pretty good cars themselves.

That criticism might even be constructive, save some lives, or force BMW to step up its game.

This is my philosophy when it comes to being a critic myself, which I know I do pretty much all the time.

But if people in the ‘Human Performance’ arenas hadn’t got it so tragically wrong, so arse about face, then perhaps I could just present my work for what it is. The truth, with no holds barred, and in plain language.

But when ‘Experts’ do get things so radically wrong, something has to be said.

When Doctors are mere incompetent drug pushers, Dietitians are spouting long debunked and dangerous eating habits, Psychologists are making it up as they go along, which leads many sales trainers down blind alleys, when Researchers tow the party line or else they’d get refused funding, and Scientists are constantly being found out lying, manipulating, or omitting important data, what fucking chance do I have of not criticizing?

But if a person sitting on his fat arse all day, achieving and producing nothing in life, wants to start criticizing Audi, BMW or me, then I have a problem with that person.

I can’t be part of the above demographic, something I realized early on when it became obvious to me that they were all singing from the same hymn sheet.

I’m an individual, I’m unique, and baptized in the very world I help others excel in.

I simply can’t tow the party line when I know its bullshit.

I can’t just link arms and join forces, with all the bible bashing, non-cursing, vegetarian, pacifist personal trainers and Life Coaches out there.

I won’t suck dick or lick balls, just to be invited onto a stage of speakers who are so far out of shape, you couldn’t make it up.

Give or take stylistic differences, does no one else think it’s strange how they all say the same things?

My critics will obviously say it’s not strange at all since they must be right and I’m wrong. Well let’s just see how many other innovative people rise to the surface, now I’ve taken to shit stirring, and upsetting the status quo.

Let’s see who else doesn’t give a fuck about never sharing a stage with other so-called visionary’s, and the growing legions of pathetic PhD’s crawling around looking to make a living, when they should be apologizing profusely for their colleagues’ conduct, in perpetuating the bullshit they appear to be helping us idiots become free from.

You PhD’s reading this need to apologize for any vaccinations or medications you may ever have prescribed, apologize for any dietary advice you were giving out 5/10 years ago, publicly humiliate some of your peers for bogus studies, and name names.

You psychologist PhD’s need to step up and explain why the majority of your research was conducted using undergraduates. Children in other words (18-23), who’s, brains won’t be fully developed till their 24/25.

Kids that have never paid a fucking electricity bill, let alone experienced the myriad of situations that form an adult mind, are either being paid $10 or receive 1 credit towards their studies, for taking part in studies that the media grab hold of as gospel.

Bring your PhD certificate to a seminar and burn the fucker, especially if everything you were taught on the course was pretty much bullshit or out of date.

Stop saying ‘we used to think that…abc… but now we know that…xyz…’ And start telling us why you were so fucking stupid, gullible and intellectually lazy, to think ‘abc’ in the first place, especially if some German or Russian expert was already saying xyz 50 or 100 years ago, with ample evidence to boot!

Give us an idea of the damage that’s been caused by ‘what you used to think’ and sincerely say sorry, or get off the fucking stage.

We don’t need PhD’s or such like to ‘be our friends’, while they still have a foot (or two) in the other camp.

I can’t recommend to people who trust me, and who I care about, that they follow any person, or way of thinking that may, for the sake of political correctness, be even half right. PhD or otherwise.

I don’t create my work for critics or keyboard warriors, I create and innovate for real people, who want to achieve more with their lives than just being a pathetic ’Sniper in the bushes’

My generation knows full well, that critics are often failures in the very fields they critique.

They know journalists are in the main scumbags, sensation seekers and failed writers, and they know that TV networks are under very strict orders not to rock the boat.

A critic is like a dickless man hiding in my bedroom wardrobe. He watches me but knows he can’t perform like me.

Critics are probably the biggest wannabees there are out there!

So fuck em, fuck em up their stupid fucking arses.

We’re gonna make them eat our shit, then shit out our shit, and then eat their shit that’s made up of our shit that we made ’em eat!

Love Andy and Steve. (Jay and Silent Bob, Miramax Films)