YouTube. The Paedophiles Kindergarten of Wisdom

BluntCoachDiet, Health, VegetarianLeave a Comment

In this chapter of ‘Make a Vegetarian Cry’, I’d like to discuss the legions of Phd’s, some no doubt wherever you work, rest and play, whose education in diet, nutrition and health, has been exclusively gleaned from no more than a few hours of arduous study on YouTube.

Let’s start by saying that of the 6 Veggie friends I’ve ever had, I’d happily bet money that none of them ever spent more than about 10 hours of actual study time on something which quite frankly, will impact their lives so profoundly, as well as any unborn, nutrient deficient sprogs they may care to bring into the world.

That area of study being vegetarianism, or any of its more extreme derivatives.

Please bear in mind that I’ll happily get involved in debating many topics with just 100 to 200 hours of study under my belt, though with something as tricky as diet and nutrition I’m at well over a thousand (non-YouTube) hours and counting.

In the grand scheme of things, you may like to think of YouTube as the kindergarten of wisdom.

A starting point at best, for your educational welfare.

But this is no ordinary kindergarten, oh no.

Imagine this kiddy school has no fences, gates, doors, CCTV, or security guards.

Now start to also understand that this fountain of alleged knowledge has no vetting procedures for its teachers either.

Literally, anyone can walk in and start teaching!

To better understand the implications of how YouTube is impacting our global health consciousness please allow me to draw an analogy for you.

Now I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s, and can categorically tell you that my Cub Scout Leader (Arkala), Scout Leader, Judo Teacher, Manager of the Crystal Palace YMCA, my Probation Officer, Parish Priest, and my Uncle Jimmy who drove a candy delivery van, were all……..

You guessed it; they were all fucking nonces; (Paedophile’s).

Now I’m trying to make a Blunt Coach analogy here, so please stick with me if you can, by thinking about this.

If you were someone who wanted to fuck little kids, then it might serve you to maneuverer, educate, or train yourself into a position of authority, preferably one that a community is programmed to look up to, and one that involves children obviously. O.k?

Now, back to PooTube.

Instead of Judo Coach, Scout Leader, Pedo Uncle or Priest, now think PhD, Doctor, Psychiatrist, Psychologist, Dietician, Nutritionist etc. You with me? Ok, good.

And instead of raping a kid, think of them mind fucking you and your friends by offering crap information that’s often blatantly false at worse, and decades out of date at best, usually for financial gain.

They specifically target the dull-witted, oh so busy, Paris Hilton types out there, who only need a sniff of a PhD certificate to validate what they often already believed in, or may have indeed already invested decades of their lives into.

Such as most vegetarians have, though this phenomenon isn't exclusive to dietary issues, and on matters about which I'm confident to speak of, such as the fields of; Life coaching, Health Advocacy, Sales Training, Self Protection and Wealth Creation, I can confirm that the internet is crawling with absolute frauds selling complete and utter bullshit!

These so-called 'Seekers of Truth' on the above topics out there aren't looking for solid information, education, or enlightenment, they're simply looking for validation for what they already believe!

By Paris Hilton types I mean so super busy, that in spite of having exactly the same 24 hours as you or I have each day, these people never have the time to fully look into anything.

You lend them a book on something that ‘they say’ they're interested in, and a month down the road they still ‘haven’t gotten round to reading it yet’.

Too busy making a living to earn a fortune, no time to exercise etc, you know the type.

I’d say these people allegedly searching for the truth are intellectually lazy rather than gullible mugs, but god help them if they also happen to be a Doctor, Lawyer, Accountant, or a PhD in something, because these types, and all academics, are in fact the most gullible of our society.

Why do you think any hypnotist, mind controller or Mr Mysterious (Derren Brown) type of stage performer, always seems to have their TV specials from a University Campus?

That’s right, the smarter you ‘think’ you are, the more vulnerable you in fact are.

It’s not restricted to academics, of course, I’m sure Tom Cruise and John Travolta think they're pretty smart too if you get my meaning.

As a salesperson, the minute I get you thinking you’re too smart for me to get inside your head, to manipulate or to sell you something, I’ve got you.

You being a Clever Trevor, and bringing all your Kryptonian academic powers to the party, is a 'conscious' act of your rational mind.

And that’s not the mind I’m after if I need to sell you some cheap crap or shoddy information!

The bigger the dog, bouncer, watchman, or security guard you put on the front door of your 'conscious mind', the better.

Because I’m coming in the 'Subconscious' back door with a Kryptonite dildo, Mr Superbrain!

So much for higher education offering protection, and I’m sure we can all think of someone we knew who could barely read, yet had incredible ‘common sense’ and intuition, yes?

At the same time, can you all think of any educated idiots you know?

No shortage of them then!

Let's sing the public schoolboy's anthem together;

“Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream, belts off trousers down, being smart’s a dream”

A dumb arse trawling through YouTube won’t do themselves much harm, because they just want to watch funny clips of people with explosive dysentery trapped in elevators, or a guy eating McDonald's for a month.

They might get sucked into some flat earth science that makes a lot of sense to them, and go to work the next day explaining to their colleagues; that if the earth was really round and spinning at 600 miles an hour at the equator, then an aeroplane travelling east at 500 mph would never reach its destination but if travelling west it’d arrive 5 minutes before it took off!

That’ll get them all talking in between discussing soap operas, sports, and Jerry Springer, and besides, if there were any important news on living longer and healthier it’d be on the nine o’clock news tonight, or in tomorrow’s tabloids, wouldn’t it?

But an academically smart person on the internet, watching YouTube or consulting Wikipedia, well that’s a dangerous combination.

Back in the day, we had these things called public libraries, though I’m embarrassed to say that in the UK, less than 5% of the population owned a library card.

But you could find any book in the world there. And if they didn’t have it, they’d get it in for you, for free.

Because I’d work Saturdays as a young man in retail sales, my day off was Wednesday’s.

For ‘fun’, I’d spend an hour on a bus to get to ‘Foils’, the world’s largest bookstore in London’s west end, where I’d walk around all day helping myself to the wisdom of history’s finest thinkers.

I couldn’t believe all this was at my fingertips for free, save the effort and time to seek the knowledge out.

But today?

Well, I just recently became friends with a 35-year-old woman who hasn’t read a book since she left school, worse still, she has 4 children and doesn’t possess a single damn book on the subject of childcare. Go figure.

She’s the next generation after me, and the teens of today are no doubt following her lead and will become equally appalling parents!

Of course, she finds the time to somehow answer a hundred texts and tweets a day, as well as keep up to date on the latest fashion and couture in the world.

And it’s the same with my vegetarian friends I’m afraid.

They're still getting arse raped via YouTube (ninja style), by Dr John McDougal, T Colin Campbell PhD, Dr Neil Barnard, and my personal favourite, the brilliant vegetarian salesman, Dr Michael Greger.

I swear, sometimes it takes me five hours to tear apart a one-hour video presentation from any of these people, often having to pause the video while I go onto find the exact medical or nutritional study being cited, or flashed up on a PowerPoint during their elaborate presentations.

First I have to see who did the study, or paid for it?

Surprise surprise, sometimes it’s even Jonny McDougall and Doc Barnard themselves. Oh goody, so no chance of any vegetarian bias there then!

Sometimes I have to pay for and read the entire study cited, to unearth the complete and utter bollocks conclusions that it serves the publisher, and no doubt the presenter, to have us take away from the seminar.

They’ll flash up the conclusion to a study in front of a packed auditorium of delighted vegetarians, who cheer and clap every time the doctor makes a pathetic point, that they believe validates their plant-based existence.

One of my favourites is that; meat eaters have a higher all-cause mortality!

Now, most people in that auditorium watching the presentation won’t know what the fuck that even means and big Jonny McDougall sure aint gonna tell them, is he!

Of course, meat eaters will have a higher ‘Overall Mortality', since meat eaters are also more likely to eat processed foods, burnt meat, to smoke, get drunk, do drugs, break the speed limit, and do contact sports.

Why don’t vegetarians do those things?

Because there widely known as ‘compliers’.

In other words, they do as their bloody told, stick to the rules, and don’t take chances with their health, like smoking for example, which makes perfect sense.

After all, the root of these people’s problems (vegetarianism) stems from an actual desire to improve their health, which, much as I take the piss out of them, saddens me.

‘Compliers’ might also be a polite way of saying ‘Sheeple’, or putty in the hands of skilled salesmen, such as the veggie doctors out there.

So the audiences in these YouTube videos sit and applaud like a bunch of Christians (no doubt most of them buy into that horseshit as well, since it also has no basis of proof, and thrives on non-questioning compliant types for its funding), and as the camera pans the crowd, we get to see the glassy-eyed, smug, pious faced fuckers, stoking up on bullshit like they were plugged into a carrot chewing Jesus Christ himself.

I keep waiting for the tambourines to appear!

I myself wouldn’t touch any processed food, meat or otherwise, have never smoked, always exercised, and am practically teetotal. We also never drink water we haven’t purified ourselves, don’t cremate our meat on the barbeque, and don’t have a microwave anywhere in the house.

How about doing a study on 10,000 people like us, instead of the hot dog loving, chain-smoking piss head omnivores, and then comparing that data to the leaf eaters!

But the best bit of one particular Dr Greger (meat eaters higher all-cause mortality) slide I have in mind, is that when you freeze frame it in high definition, you can just about make out the footnotes, where it clearly states that the vegetarians in the study had a higher incidence of colon cancer than the meat eaters!!!

I know!

Un fucking believable, isn’t it?

And this is in a jam-packed auditorium where the powerpoint screens are 30 ft wide, and yet none of these leaf-eating spastics spots it.

And what with all that healthy plant fibre they consume, and their healthy whole grains and endless fruit smoothies.

So yes, meat eaters have a higher ‘all cause’ mortality, but for the reasons stated above, not because of meat consumption alone.

You may, of course, make a correlation between that fact and meat eating, but the correlation is most definitely not to be confused with causality.

Colon cancer is the 2nd biggest cancer killer out there, and since few vegetarian’s smoke, then I guess they could be forgiven for thinking they’re number one at something.

So maybe they’re all clapping like evangelical schoolgirls at a Donny Osmond concert because they have in fact seen the slide on the screen, and are just so happy to get one up on those bastard meat eaters!

"Yeay, were number one for arse cancer!"

You can imagine them all driving home in their Toyota Prius’s, singing kumbaya and smelling their own farts.

Food in Food Out!

The number of vegetarians who think it’s normal to take a shit once a week or every other day, would stagger you.

Trust me, vegetarianism is a house of cards, and you only have to pull a couple out to bring the house down, and constipation and colon cancer are great places to start.

These veggie guru doctors didn’t start out as evil people of course, or with a financial agenda to deceive the public, they were purely and blindly following much of conventional wisdom back in the 60's, 70's and 80's, that although severely criticized by anyone with a brain in their heads who critically examined the evidence, it was nonetheless accepted by the mainstream medical community, politicians, and of course the media.

All of whom were, ironically, severely lacking in the grey matter department, whilst at the same time being highly educated and as corrupt as fuck.

After the second world war, every piece of research by the greatest minds in medicine, biology, diet, nutrition, genetics and endocrinology was totally ignored.

As if it had never even existed.


Because the greatest minds in all of those scientific fields were and had been for decades, all German!

As war-torn Europe rebuilt itself, the trust of the health of the world was placed in the hands of the Americans, who, as stated above, completely ignored the truth, and set off on their own little Mickey Mouse health adventure, which the world is still paying for today.

Of course, they hired all the Nazi rocket scientists, without which they’d have scarcely got a rocket off the ground, nevermind into orbit, but that’s another story.

Imagine putting various people with the brains of George W Bush in charge of anything as important as Global public health. What the fuck else would you expect 50 years down the road?

Hey, just go outside for 10 minutes and look around for the answer, or maybe just look in the mirror or your medicine cabinet!

Remember doctors are people too. They have families they want to spend time with, and golf courses that need playing on.

They suffer from intellectual laziness and corruption, just like lay people do.

What, did you think they actually read every fucking medical, dietary and nutritional journal out there, every day, or do you think they just skim the conclusions on a couple and then listen to what the drug reps tell them is the latest thinking. Which do you think, really?

And rest assured that when it comes to ego’s, well, fuck me, male doctors take the biscuit for thinking they’re the dog’s bollocks like no one else does.

Bar maybe 2 male doctors that I have any respect for, it seems only the female doctors have the balls, the lack of ego and the conscience, to come out and whistle blow on the healthcare systems true agenda, corruption, and gross incompetence.

I’m talking about rubbish M. D’s here of course, and not N. D’s, for whom I have nothing but respect.

So if you think any of these MD arseholes, vegetarian or not, are gonna come forward after giving shit advice for 40 years, authoring dozens of books, and hosting countless vegetarian seminars and courses, then dream on.

These fuckers will never admit to prescribing unnecessary antibiotics, worthless vaccinations, statins that are merely 1% effective (and then only to people with existing heart disease), demonizing animal fats, eggs and proteins, or for promoting vegetable oils, healthy whole grains and pasta, aka diabetes, celiac and obesity to name but three problems as a result of their sage advice!

No, nor are they likely to swallow their pride and reveal what they simply must know by now, about plant-based diets and the flawed science behind it.

Always, always keep in mind, that these men are human above all else, and besides, how quickly do you come forward when you fuck up?

And it’s not like your fucking up kills a million people very often either (I hope).

How often will you men reading this, for example, pull over and ask directions from a woman, or anyone for that matter, when you're lost, and the family’s all in the car?

Stop superimposing honesty, compassion and integrity, at levels few humans possess, upon these rather ordinary and exceptionally egotistical medical people, particularly those within the vegetable persuasion church, and their cult-like behaviour and lack of reasoning.

Not that many of them look that healthy mind you, but I’ll tell you this much; they’ll be supplementing their plant-based diets to the hilt, growing their own veg, and when no one’s looking, throwing a meat pie or at least some eggs down their necks twice a week.

"If you’re a vegetarian, you’ll never see past this deception, not while you still have your doctor’s balls resting on your chin!"  Blunt Coach.

And as most of you reading this won’t be veggies, this is the reason your veggie friends won’t listen to reason or read the literature you buy or loan them.

Hell, these are the same guru doctors who were recommending cigarettes back in the day. The same chumps that got butter and lard out of our pantries, and gave the green light to margarine and trans fats.

The same wise arses who green flagged high fructose corn syrup, and genetically modified everything.

There all bent.

No, double bent.

Sod it, they’re bent totally out of shape. All of academia is, just follow the money to Big Pharma, Big Agra and Big Politics!

No one exposed or humiliated that bastard semi-vegetarian; Ancel Keys (who gave us the cholesterol/fat heart hypothesis myth), till long after he died in 2004. Perhaps they all watch each other’s backs as a professional courtesy, butt fucking freemasons as they all tend to be.

But now we know what we know about his ‘cholesterol heart hypothesis’ scam, we can only wonder how many deaths he, and others of his arrogant ilk who sponsored and applauded him, are responsible for.

Millions and millions of trusting lives have been lost!

The point here is that these ‘experts’ are crawling all over the internet, and especially YouTube, covering their own, and watching each other’s backs, continuing with lies, and holding back on vital information to millions of people who deserve better.

Meanwhile, science continues to thrash the living daylights out of everything they hold dear, while of the remaining 300 or so hunter-gatherer tribes left on planet earth, not a single one of them exists on a plant-based diet.

The most any of them eat is 50% carbs, (2 tribes) and then from really hard to digest tubers, plus these are the pigmy shortarses and runts of the hunter-gatherer world.

All the strapping healthy ones, with no obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer or Alzheimer’s, live on mainly animal fats, protein, dairy, and a tiny percentage of carbs.

The Inuit, of course, eat no fruit and veg whatsoever, as is common with colder climate cultures.

Even the fossil record shows no evidence of a plant-based history.

It’s total bullshit, and if your vegetarian friends are looking for a top up of that stinky commodity, and yet more dry arse raping from highly educated MD’s and PhD’s, then they need look no further than ‘YouTube. The Paedophiles Kindergarten of Wisdom’

Cry bye.

Blunt Coach Andy

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