Vegetarianism. All the Cancer Benefits of Meat Eaters, with Half the Survival Rates!

BluntCoachDiet, Health, VegetarianLeave a Comment

Sound like a good deal to anyone?

Thought not.

Watch out for your veggie and vegan chums who spew out the cancer protective propaganda of a plant-based diet.

The actual studies, that’s real scientific, clinically controlled studies, and not the deliberately misinterpreted or manipulated studies that the veggies like to boast about, like the one for example, where thousands of Seventh Day Adventists on the East Coast of America suffered slightly less all-cause mortality than meat eaters!

If you do have a veggie friend, you can bet your life you’ve been slapped in the face with that one.

However, what your leaf-eating buddy will have neglected to tell you, will be that firstly, it only includes the men in the study, because the veggie women did worse than their carnivorous sisters, and secondly, that at the exact same time on the West Coast, a similar group of Adventists had a ‘worse’ all-cause mortality, higher colon cancer, and again the women came out even worse still.

So that study totally tends to be swept away by vegetarian doctors in the know, and the female component of the first study totally overlooked, or just plain never revealed to the hordes of vegetarian sheeple who attend these veggie seminars, all glassy-eyed, as if it were the second coming of Christ or Elvis.

So, in actual fact, they have the same rate of cancer as meat eaters, which is worse than appalling. Why?

Because meat eaters are far more likely to smoke, drink, eat processed foods and overcooked meat.

So, by virtue of that alone, and the fact that veggies are well known as ‘compliers’, who strive to look after their health, the result shouldn’t just be surprising, but is, in fact, an actual damnation of the plant-based lifestyle.

Had the veggies and the meat eaters been compared to a group who, whilst eating meat, never smoke, drink or ingest processed foods, etc etc (basically none of the stupid things the average, dumb arse meat eater does), then you would have seen even more clearly how stupid both lifestyles are (veggies and regular meat eaters), and how a ‘clean’ omnivorous diet is the only way to go for optimum health.

But how come vegetarians have the same cancer rates, but only half the survivability of the cancer of the meat eaters, to make matters even worse?

Because their fucking weak, that’s why?

Being in a semi-starvation state might not be a bad thing once you’ve received the cancer diagnosis for a couple of reasons, which we won’t go into here.

But to walk around in that state for years or decades, only to then have a tussle with cancer, is like fighting Mike Tyson after you’ve just finished a one-mile flat-out sprint!

Your chances of survival were bad enough to begin with, but while you’re doubled over catching your breath? You have no fucking chance.

So there all as weak as fuck, that’s number one.

Two; 99.9% of all known carcinogens or carcinogenic compounds that the average human gets in their bodies comes from, Not Bleach or any other household cleaner, Not Pesticides, Not Plastics or Synthetic materials over natural ones, and definitely not from Sunshine or Meat.

Vegetables contain 99.9% of all the carcinogens we consume, and that’s not from me, or anyone with a paleo/carnivorous agenda, but according to the World’s Leading Toxicologist of the past 50 years, Professor Bruce Ames.

So they're Weak, and they stuff themselves full of fucking Vegetables!

Want one more reason?

Fine, let’s go for the triple whammy.

Take meat out of your eating equation, or worse still meat, dairy and eggs (might as well go full retard here), and you're left with very little protein, and possibly only 10% of your dietary calories coming from fat. In other words, you’re going to be pretty fucking hungry, and calorie depleted.

So what do you do?

Oh, you pile on the fucking carcinogenic nightshades (potatoes and peppers) like they’re going out of fashion, and you absolutely slaughter a shit ton of ‘Healthy Whole Grains’, from which you intend to get both your calories as well as your protein.

‘A cunning plan Baldrick, but with one subtle flaw’

Placing the whole issue of gluten destroying your ability to absorb nutrients to one side for a moment, what you end up with is a diet that’s massively out of balance in regards to its omega 3’s to 6’s.

In other words, vegetarians enjoy; A MASSIVE PRO INFLAMMATORY DIET, PAR EXCELLENCE!

So they're Weak, full of Vegetable Carcinogens, and Inflamed to the gills!

What fucking chance does that give them for survivability of an illness, whose primary cause is a depressed immune system in the first place?

Especially when the 3 fastest ways to depress your immune system are to be; a/ nutrient deficient, b/ super stressed from inflammation, and c/ having a huge part of your immune system too busy attending to putting out your inflammatory fires, to be able to cope with some mutated cells.

To destroy those mutated cells should be a walk in the park for any healthy person, and to sum up cancer in a nutshell, we’ve all got some in us (10,000 cells a day go bad in a healthy person)!

But among 40 trillion cells, and with a healthy immune system, it just boils down to; ‘can you fight the 10,000 mutated cells off faster than they can multiply’?

That’s all there is to it in essence.

If the answer is yes, you’ll remain cancer free, and if it’s no, then you get the big C.

Even some people retarded enough to smoke will still live to be a hundred.

And if they do, it’ll be because this process was always going on inside their bodies, and, up until 100 in this example, their bodies Fire Brigade (immune system) was always strong enough and had enough manpower, to deal with all its other viral, bacterial and inflammatory jobs in its community (your body), as well as to put the fire out in its own fire station, caused by smoking each day.

So there you have it, another good reason to live a healthy, clean, omnivorous, nutrient dense lifestyle, as well as another good reason to make a vegetarian cry, before they breed and pass their wisdom on!

Cry Bye.

Blunt Coach Andy.

P.S That’s who I do this for; the little children who don’t have a say in the matter. Fuck anyone who’s a veggie that’s over 18 and hasn’t been arsed to do their homework, but what about all the little children with underdeveloped brains and bodies, brought into this world by these idiots.

Those deficiencies started in the womb and continuing for god knows how long, may not show up as problems till the teens or beyond, but show up they will.

Along with good light, air, and clean water, our diet and nutrition provide the raw building materials for our entire cellular structure, including every good or bad thought we may have, for our entire lives.

Take this seriously, and maybe your kids will too, and perhaps that’ll lead us all to a far healthier place someday.

Cry bye,

Blunt Coach Andy

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