The Dubious Benefits of Fasting, and Detox Bollocks!

BluntCoachDiet, Health, VegetarianLeave a Comment

So, imagine today, you and I decide to drive somewhere together, and looking at your fuel gauge I notice its blinking on empty. ‘Best stop and get some gas before we go any further’ I say.

And you reply;

‘Oh that’s alright Andy, I’m giving my engine a rest for 3 days, and the cars fasting!’

Can you think of anything more retarded? Then read on.

Here we go again folks, my dear vegetarian friend Harvey has sent me yet another link to some YouTube guru he’s thinking of becoming hitched to, this time on the subject of fasting.

He was sent the link by a Belly Dancing teacher of all things, who pretends to be interested in health, but still smokes!

But as far as Harvey’s concerned, that’s as good a recommendation as he needs to waste more of his life chasing optimum health.

The conversation opens out beyond just fasting and being a veggie, and into colonic irrigation and so on.

I have never yet met a vegetarian that didn’t steadfastly swear by juicing, fasting, and regularly having their arses wet vacuumed out, on a regular basis.

They are ‘Compliers’ remember, or gullible village idiots, depending on how gracious your feeling, and anything ‘other vegetarians’ are doing, has to be done blindly by them also.

It really is like watching a herd of sheep hurtling towards the edge of a cliff, with each one of them I’m sure, ASSUMING that someone up front must know where the fuck they're going, and be watching out for them.

Later on in the email, I get onto cancer, because Harvey seems to have a preoccupation with it (a secret fear no doubt), and the new guru he hopes, has all the answers.

I also mention a lady called Charlotte Gerson (Gerson Therapy) who, in case you’ve not heard of her, runs the world’s most successful cancer clinic, in Mexico.

Much as I hate vegetarianism (Vegans and Raw idiots), I wholeheartedly support this brilliant woman’s work.

This I feel is often misinterpreted by people like Harvey, as a sign that I’m almost in agreement with a plant-based diet, which couldn’t be further from the truth.

Guru Dan is the expert on fasting we’ll be talking about, and below are his comments from the video Harvey sent me, mine are in bold, and we go on from there.

Read my article ‘Vegan Mucus Mania’, if you haven’t already, before reading this, and it’ll clear some things up for you.

You should get a lot from this, and as usual, some more ammunition for ‘Making Vegetarians Cry’ where appropriate.


Guru Dan, known as DTM (Dan The Man) The "Life Regenerator", is a Certified Detoxification Specialist.

He has a very loyal following and, just as an example, 126,000 of them have enjoyed one of his videos; ‘The Most Nutrient Dense Food on Earth’ where he talks about coconuts!

I love coconuts too, but the most nutrient dense food on the earth is in fact ‘Liver’. But live and let liver eh!

Now let’s get over to Dan the Man’s ideas in italics, and my comments for Harvey are in bold.

‘People sleep so much because they eat so much’ So since you’re eating fuck all then, you should be awake 24/7 Dan!

I can only feel feelings of low self-worth or limitations while I’m fasting’ That’s because starvation is just another reason to be miserable Dan!

‘After 3 days I’ll be into ketosis and my brain will slow down’ I think Dan means speed up. Research has shown that the brain works 25% more efficiently using ketones for energy, even though the liver still converts them to glucose.

‘The chakra systems won’t come on line while you’re eating’ Bollocks Dan!

This fucker has obviously been doing this for a good while, and yet he starts off in the video by crying about money problems and his child support payments.

His Mum was 16 when he was born, so he uses this as excuse no.1

He was abused….ahhh, what a shame… and he was a drug user…. !

Oh, how my heart bleeds for this man Harvey, and yet somehow, by depriving his already nutrient deficient body of 60 essential minerals, 16 essential vitamins, 12 essential amino acids, and 2 essential fatty acids, he can somehow address his problems better?

Why did I highlight the word ‘Essential’ each time I typed it back there Harvey?

Because ‘Essential’ means you don’t get it from your God, or the air you breathe, nor can your body make it. It has to come from your food!

No country in the civilized World has quality soil with any more than 25% of the mineral content it had 100 years ago, yet somehow those essentials are going to come from starving yourself!

Back to Dan;

‘You’ll have more clarity in your brain…it’s like boom… more clarity than you wouldn’t even believe…you’ll be able to become more sensitive to your sensations….’ He then goes on to admit to eating ice cream and doughnuts to drown his sorrows, probably depressed as most veggies are, from a nutritional shortage, especially if he does turn out to be a veggie in a minute.

But my real point here is, that the clarity in his brain comes from being in ketosis, so if he likes it so much, why not fucking stay there?

That’s why he’s so up on fasting, because he’s an ex-junkie looking for another high, which I enjoy practically 7 days a week by keeping my daily carbs to 100 grams on rest days, and under 200 grams on workout days. Practically impossible to do, on a fruit and veg, grain-based, low-fat diet.

But Dan, or anyone else for that matter, could stay in ketosis indefinitely, simply by eliminating carbohydrates from his diet.

This does come at a cost, however, because as soon as the body’s glycogen levels drop below normal glucagon is released which stimulates first the release of cortisol and then adrenaline.

These two ‘stress hormones’ force the exchange of free fatty acids for glycogen which happens in the liver, a process called gluconeogenesis.

Stress hormones are, as common sense should tell you, for emergency use only, and starvation would certainly qualify.

No one really knows the long-term effect of running exclusively on stress hormones, since no ones ever been stupid enough to do it by choice for very long.

Eskimo’s would be an example of people who need to do it, since their diet is often devoid of any carbohydrate, and they don’t exactly look good for their age, do they?

That’s the mental clarity or the high that Dan’s referring to, though I’ll wager he hasn’t a bloody clue what’s causing it, placing the effect instead down to some higher spiritual level from either starvation or near zero carbohydrate intake.

It’s simply his body’s way, via those stress hormones, of giving him a boost or high so he can successfully hunt something proper to eat.

Though Dan will just use the energy for yoga practice or impressing teenage girls and vegetarians with his higher spirituality, without having a fucking clue how his own body works.

you can release physical toxins, mental toxins and emotional toxins, which equates to spiritual clarity, which all comes in when you remove that food that goes in here (pointing to his mouth),’…..The idea that simply by stopping eating the body decides to devote all its time to chucking out unwanted toxins, is utter bollocks.

Never, not once, has this been scientifically proven, and if it was the fastest way, don’t you think Christine Gerson would be fasting all her chemotherapy poisoned patients, instead of dosing them up with 13, super mineral packed vegetable juice drinks a day, plus a shit load of supplements?

She doesn’t fast them, because she’s smart enough to know that in order to rebuild the depressed immune system, which caused cancer in the first place, and to help the liver do the detoxing, the body needs a shit load of minerals and vitamins, plus some energy to get through the day and keep morale up.

There is an excellent case for fasting for 3 to 5 days as soon as a person is diagnosed with cancer, which I’m not willing to go into here, but if someone wanted to do that once every 3 months or so as a preventative measure then, provided they knew the risks as already mentioned, and were eating a nutrient dense, non processed, grain and PUFA free diet when they were eating, then it couldn’t do much harm.

But to do it regularly when living a vegetarian, vegan, nutrient depleted lifestyle is just plain suicide because the fasting would just amplify the nutrient deficiencies already present from a moronic plant-based diet.

there is a need.. a desperate need for true health education, because the stuff going on out there is ridiculous, and its misguided in every way shape and form’ I totally agree with Dan The Man on this point!

‘melting the lymph and mucus coming out in the urine’ !!!!! You can’t melt lymph retard. That’s the second reference he’s made to mucus Harvey, which makes me suspect he’s a blind follower of Professor Spira, and the nutter Dr Ehret he in turn blindly followed (and you as I remember).

I’m 19 minutes into this now Harvey, and about to call it a day. Hopefully before Jesus gets a mention!

He’s also made a few references to juice fasting. First off, it’s not a bloody ‘fast’ to quaff 5 pints of juice in a day, is it!

Secondly, it’s horrific to think what that does to your liver, and thirdly it just shows, once again, by his references to alkalizing of the body and mucus etc, how little he actually knows.

I’ve got to 21 minutes now, and I’m pretty sure this guy’s gonna be a vegetarian, so I’m going to bail out here before this comes to another stupid waste of my time.

He’s mentioning people carrying around 20lbs of undigested, impacted shit in their colons. This may be true, and it may have been true in the case of Elvis Presley, that it was 20lbs of beef, but it’s worth destroying that one here and now.

This is simply caused by constipation and nothing else.

Regardless of what you eat, if you don’t shit once, twice or more a day, then the carrot or cabbage will just as easily impact in your colon as a beef burger.

But everyone wants to focus on meat-eating Elvis! And not the truth.

Once again, I will point out that ‘The Powers That Be’ are quite happy for people, perhaps just like you, to venture away from the standard dogma with chaps like Dan, because they know that ultimately, you’ll still be sick and way off the scent of the real truth.

Remember that 95% of the population are either just plain stupid or ignorant. 3% think they’ve found their answers on YouTube via guys like this, or Professor Spiro.

1% push through, and get past this dogshit, and begin to rediscover the truisms of health and longevity, which is where I am right now, and only 1% of the population will ever truly master these truisms’ and be able to fully integrate them into this modern World we have to live in.

This is my 10-year goal, to be in that 1% club, and to take as many people as I can with me.

I have access to 12 million, peer-reviewed studies, on any subject you can imagine, and all these studies appeared in every respected medical journal the World over, during the past 80 years.

Much of what I read is shocking and never comes to light to Doctors, never mind the general public. Very little ends up on YouTube because you have to read endlessly and know how to interpret what you’re reading to get any real answers.

Research has proven over and over for example, that salt doesn’t raise blood pressure, massage does not detoxify, vaccinations don’t work and are unnecessary, cholesterol has no impact on coronary heart disease (50% of all heart attack victims have normal to low cholesterol), and vegetarianism offers no benefits whatsoever to longevity.

Everything the average person holds dear as ‘The Truth’ is a crock of shit.

More worryingly, is that this can also be said of 95% of what appears on YouTube, where most of the so-called ‘Searchers’ go to look for their answers.

The problem is this; What if your questions are shit in the first place?

Guess what kind of answers you're likely to find to questions like; How can I lower my cholesterol?

How can I avoid salt?

What are the benefits, and how should I do a juice fast?

Why will being a vegan help me live longer?

What acid foods should I avoid? And on and on and on.

Garbage in, garbage out.

The first rule of business to getting the correct answers on any subject is to start asking better fucking questions you lazy sod.

As a martial arts coach, and over 30 years, I’d often have someone show up and ask; ‘How do I defeat an attacker twice my size and half my age, using acupuncture pressure points, leverage, and neat secret tricks reserved only for the SAS and Navy Seals’

A better question might be ‘How can I defeat 2 six foot 18 yr. old muggers with hard on’s, that want to take my pension money and rape my wife’

Because there are no bloody SAS tricks, and I know this because they trained with us.

Perhaps the asker of this question knows or suspects this. Perhaps this guy isn’t looking for shortcuts that don’t exist or isn’t someone that always follows the line of least resistance, which is just as well, cause that aint what I’m selling.

Oh shit, I’ve let the video run to 21.41 and now he’s talking about being a Raw Food believer.

This explains why he’ll never make his child support payments. He’s retarded!

And it explains why his wife fucked off with a meat eater, who can still get a hard-on twice a day, and follow through with it!

I wonder if he’s ever tried Raw beans, raw grains or raw potatoes?

Does he even know about cellulose and incomplete proteins coming from veggies?

And I guess his answer to absorption problems with this, oh so natural caveman take on health, will all be answered by his owning a fucking blender!

Though I don’t remember seeing juicers and blenders showing up in any cave paintings as standard pieces of kit for our Paleo ancestors around the World.

Look, if my kitchen was a laboratory, and after throwing a huge pile of fruit and veg into a blender, if I could then put it all under a Star Trek microscope and say; ahh..there’s my 60 essential minerals in ‘OPTIMUM’ amounts (not subsistence, I don’t take vitamin C or D to avoid rickets or scurvy for Christ’s sake), and if I could see equally OPTIMUM amounts of 16 vitamins, 12 Amino acids and 2 essential fats, then I’d be quiet happy to swill down 3 or 4 pints of the stuff, and get back to what interests me in life.

Which has never been food!

Or, my computer in my lab might say I’m low on this or that nutrient in my concoction, and that I should add another pound of beetroot or whatever to the mix until I reached the optimum amount for my age, weight, activity, and current levels of nutrients in my blood.

Oh yeah, this lab would need to know where I already was before it could plot me a course to where I wanted to go, yes?

Isn’t that how travel goes; you need a start point before you book anything, yes? Same with nutrition.

That’s kind of what they do at the Gerson clinic, where they save countless people’s lives from terminal cancer.

And before your thinking, oh there you go then, proof positive that veggies rule, I should point out that a/ they consume a whopping 15lbs of fresh organic veggies a day, and little or zero fruit, b/ this has to be put through a £2,000 machine, freshly, and consumed at 1 pint per hour over 13 hours. (sounds practical), and the people on this regime aren’t shagging each other every day, running a business, or going to the gym 4 times a week. They all have cancer remember.

Neither are they concerned with maintaining muscle mass, bone density nor winning any beauty contests. They’ve all got, or are dying of terminal cancer for fuck sake.

Also, the level of toxicity that Christine Gerson allows her patients to come into contact with is extraordinarily low, and nutrients go a long way to combatting toxicity. She is quite the brilliant woman I believe.

If you added in all the usual activity, stress, and pollutants we endure into the equation and calculated for that extra need for nutrients, you would arrive at a stupid amount of veggies needed to make up the optimum requirement.

Gerson’s patients have no need of sugar and protein remember, as sugar (carbs) feed it (cancer/tumour), and protein helps all things, good or bad, to grow.

So, she can only just get people healthy enough, on 15lbs (It may be more) of veg a day.

Just because something makes sense in one context, doesn’t mean it translates into an entirely different one. Our everyday lives for example.

Neither do these enormous leaps in fuzzy logic that YouTubers cling to, offer any benefit, for example; If Gerson cures cancer with just veg, then just veg must be great for our kids and adults alike!

Or; If tons of veg cures cancer, then it must be that the other stuff that Gerson does not allow us to eat (meat, fish, eggs, nuts etc) gives us cancer in the first place!

These huge leaps of logic, are what have led us to some of the wacky diets out there, and helped twats like Professor Spiro and Desperate Dan in this video, to get airtime.

I can explain exactly why Gerson therapy works, and yet at the same time explain why it’s totally inappropriate to introduce to my family’s lifestyle right now.

Plus of course, I’ve studied at least 5 other cures for cancer that are every bit as effective as Gerson Therapy, and there are another 10 at least, that I simply haven’t had time to delve into.

In a nutshell, I feel my time and duty to my family would be better spent in studying Cancer Prevention in the first place.

So curing cancer, whilst important to know about, becomes slightly irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.

10,000 cells mutate in everyone, every single day, and the immune system is supposed to fuck them up. Every …single…. day! …..Simple.

Depressed/weak immune systems, lead to a proliferation of malignant, mutated cells. Even more simple.

Doing fuck all for long enough causes the body to create a bag around the cells till you ‘deal’ with it, and that bag is called a Tumour. Super simple.

You ‘deal’ with it, by allowing your immune system to do its job. Super special needs simple.

Your immune system can’t do its job, while it’s running around attacking its own body, because of all the pro-inflammatory products you’re stuffing your face with. Grains, starches and soy, to name but three.

And also, you’re already overtaxed immune system can’t do its job without the raw building materials it needs, every day, in ‘OPTIMUM’ amounts, consisting of; 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, 2 fats, and a shit load of cholesterol.

Everything quaffed down with half a gallon of zero estrogens and pollutant-free water.

Now if that’s not super-duper retarded simple, I don’t know what is.

If you didn’t get all your nutrients in optimum amounts today, then tomorrow you’ll be deficient.

If you don’t get all your nutrients tomorrow, plus some on top for what you missed out on today, you become more deficient.

A week from now, if you’ve not been getting enough of vitamin z, then whatever organ vitamin z maintains, or whatever cellular process its needed for will start to collapse.

Six months from today you might end up with a boil on your bum, which may be the symptom of the deficiency. Your Doctor will treat the ‘symptom’ because that’s all the idiot is trained to do.

And the vitamin or mineral deficiency just keeps on getting worse and worse and worse, until you die of some organ or system failure.

Now, you tell me how fasting in that nutrient deficient state is safe.

Get your blood work done first, and only if it’s optimal across the board, are you safe to fast beyond 16 hours or so, because otherwise, you’re playing vitamin and mineral catch-up!

And Guru Dan seems oblivious to this, as I’m sure every wanker that writes a fasting book is also.

Either that, or they know full well that 90% of people are in no fit state to be fasting, but they’d be out of business if they let on, wouldn’t they?

Confession; I’ve left Dan running in the background, and now he’s recommending two books Authored by the nutty Professor Erhet. ‘I read these books over and over man’ says the stoner.

Hopefully, you read the piece I did for you titled “Mucus Mania”.

What I didn’t tell you in that, is that the medical profession in general, pathologists especially, say this ‘Mucus Plaque’ doesn’t even exist!

The stuff coming out of fasted people’s arses may therefore simply be rubbish built up through constipation.

I had a mate describe something similar once. ‘You should have seen what came out of me Andy’ he said, ‘and I’d had bugger all to eat for 3 days’!

‘Nothing for 3 days’?, I asked.

Turned out his ‘nothing for 3 days’, omitted to mention the DETOX concoction he’d been knocking back by the gallon.

When I questioned him further, it turned out it was made up of… fig pulp, Senna, liquorice, and some gross Chinese herbs.

“And you don’t think that might have had an influence on what came out of your arse you prick,” I said?

He just looked at me with a vacant stare for a moment, and walked off!

As an example, here is what just one serious medical researcher has to say about colonics. Published in a respected clinical journal as you will see…and I’ve bolded a few bits, but the paper is untouched.

Ernst E (June 1997). "Colonic irrigation and the theory of auto-intoxication: a triumph of ignorance over science" .Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology 24


Autointoxication is an ancient theory based on the belief that intestinal waste products can poison the body and are a major contributor to many, if not all, diseases. In the 19th century, it was the ruling doctrine of medicine and led "colonic quackery" in various guises. By the turn of the century, it had received some apparent backing from science.

When it became clear that the scientific rationale was wrong and colonic irrigation was not merely useless but potentially dangerous, it was exposed as quackery and subsequently went into a decline.

Today we are witnessing a resurgence of colonic irrigation based on little less than the old bogus claims and the impressive power of vested interests. Even today's experts on colonic irrigation can only provide theories and anecdotes in its support. It seems, therefore, that ignorance is celebrating a triumph over science.

Or how about this Harvey;

J Altern Complement Med. 2006 May;12(4):389-93.

Colonic irrigations: a review of the historical controversy and the potential for adverse effects.

Richards DG1, McMillin DL, Mein EA, Nelson CD.


Colonic irrigations enjoy widespread popularity among alternative medicine practitioners, although they are viewed with considerable scepticism by the conventional medical community. Although proponents make claims of substantial health benefits, sceptics cite the lack of evidence for health benefits and emphasize the potential for adverse effects.

Yet historically, there are clinical reports of effectiveness and virtually no research refuting these reports. Instead there was a campaign against exaggerated claims by nonmedical practitioners that resulted in a movement away from this form of therapy without any scientific study of efficacy.

Given the current popularity of colonic irrigations, it is important that such research be performed, which will require a quantitative estimate of the potential for adverse effects. Although there is little specific literature on colonic irrigations, a review of the literature on related procedures such as enemas and sigmoidoscopies suggests that the risk of serious adverse effects is very low when the irrigations are performed by trained personnel using appropriate equipment.

Or how about this from the 1930’s from a Surgeon to The British Medical Journal;

Colonic Irrigation

SIR,-A letter on this subject by Miss MacManus in your issue of March 10th (p. 459) certainly calls for remark by our profession. - Personally, I feel deeply gratified that an authority of such eminence among our nursing colleagues has delivered such an exhortation. It prompts me to contribute the following. After receiving a three-pint Plombi6res douche in the morning, an elderly subject was taken with abdominal pains the same afternoon. These persisted, and pyrexia, with an increased pulse rate, followed. Three. days later a gangrenous appendix was removed.

A patient was admitted by a house-surgeon as suspected acute intestinal obstruction. He ordered a turpentine enema, which, when I operated-a few hours later, had found its way into the peritoneum. This was obvious from the odour and character of the free fluid present. Obviously, the route of entry was through the perforated gangrenous diverticulum of the sigmoid colon. I have no doubt that the enema had seriously hastened the woman's end.

In another fatal diverticulitis case, on which I operated a fortnight ago, I cannot escape from the feeling that the same pitiable sequence of events ensued. Not rarely do patients who have had a colonic resection receive rashly administered saline injections or enemata within a few hours or days of operation on the bowel. Such have led to fatal leakage. In this connexion, an article by. Pettv, in the Jom'nial of September 9th, 1933(p. 491), is a pointed illustration.

This contains a careful study of two cases of appendicectomy, followed by death, where enemata were suspected to have been responsible for leakage at the appendicular stump, about which si-tevirulent peritonitis was found to have developed after operation. Further, relevant too is the reference to the article by Rayner (British Medical Journal, 1932, i, 419), wherein are ably described the misadventures possible even by the insertion of a nozzle into the rectum. Grave results and even death have ensued therefrom. The recital of such disasters makes a formidable array of dire dangers, founded on fact, coming instantly to the mind of one surgeon. Let this be multiplied by the wider experience of the whole profession, and it will be understood how readily I seized the opportunity afforded by Miss MacManus's letter.

It is vital to voice the feelings of a surgeon that not only should such valuable therapeutic and diagnostic measures be kept strictly to the trained nurse, but that still more careful instruction should be given to our nursing and medical students in this sphere of their work.-I am, etc.,


Bristol, March 13th.

Bit of a shocker eh? Turps up the arse!

But you can see that people have been fucking around with this idea for a long while, and yet even today in 2014, I can’t find one credible scientist (one that doesn’t run his own enema clinic), or medical journal, that shows any real health or detox benefits.

The urban myth is a powerful tool don’t you know.

Actually, I’ll stop on the colonic hate, because in all honesty I do believe they may be of some value (the coffee variety), but I have a ton of research to do before I’d ever have another one.

Ten years ago, I didn’t know how important the microbiome in the gut and bowel was, and how dangerous using the wrong liquid might be in upsetting that vital balance, especially in a healthy person in the first place.

I only went because someone got me a 5-treatment gift certificate in Harley Street.

I went twice, before deciding that my bum was strictly an ‘Out Hole’ for the time being.

That said, I’m currently researching cultures that did prostate massage as a health protocol, which is really interesting. Without my missis out here deflowering me every day, I’m worried I may run into some bother back there.

Also, I’m reading an enormous research paper that touches on colonics but from the standpoint of mental health, which is again fascinating, as the researchers appear to have proof that bacteria have great influence from this standpoint.

Back to Mad Danny in the video.

The reason he says ‘I read these books over and over man…’ is because he doesn’t understand how the mind works to continually validate our strongly held beliefs. In spite of all the evidence to the contrary.

He’s spent a bit of time studying, I’ll say that for him, and the thing you need to know about junkies, alcoholics and the like is, believe it or not, that they are often true ‘Searchers’.

That’s my definition and nothing clinical.

But with a Nan, a Dad, Uncle, and Brother, all raving alcoholics in my family, plus the fact that the sales industry is rampant with them, you can imagine I’ve done my homework on that subject.

I won’t go into that here, but they tend to be not very discriminatory when they latch themselves onto the next addiction.

In Dan’s case, Dr Ehret, whose book I read 5 pages of before saying; ‘hold on a minute, let’s do some research on this bloke and see what the rest of the medical world has to say about the subject’

Upon doing this, I discovered what a complete nutter he was, and how his theories were merely an attempt to make a living off the backs of gullible people, who worship MD’s and Professors, blindly signing up for just about anything. But;

Just to be certain that I wasn’t suffering from my subconscious mind (R.A.S) fucking with me, and showing me what I want to see, I went back to the book and read another 10 pages, did even more research from the point of; ‘if someone had a gun to my head, how could this guy be right’, then typed a two-hour document (Mucus Mania) for you, read it over and over, then rechecked my facts, before hitting the send button.

A guy like Dan, whose scrambled his brains in the past, and errs towards gullibility, won’t do that, and someone looking for answers that suit their own paradigm that stumbles across Dan on ‘YouTube’, or gets sent the link by a friend, Yoga teacher or Guru, accepts it at face value, and the next thing you know it becomes ‘Common Lore’, that this or that protocol is good or bad for you.

It then becomes accepted fact, and that’s very dangerous.

Because, as any lazy journalist will tell you, there is such a thing as; ‘a fact too good to check’, because everyone else reports the same shit, the public believe it, so it must be true!

Dan now talks of Telomeres, which very few people know about in the anti-ageing community, though he says you lengthen them, which is incorrect, but it shows he’s a work in progress.

I imagine he’s chosen not to see that most of what he eats would be classed as a sugar, that the wheat and other grains he eats are the worst things for ageing, and that the beans he eats in copious amounts are estrogenic, and so on and so forth.

Dan’s R.A.S will be working overtime to keep its master (Dan’s conscious mind), heading in the direction it (Dan’s subconscious) believes he wants to go in.

The man’s suffering from a severe case of ‘Information Bias’, as do you tend to.

Hope that makes sense Harvey.

Sort your bloody R.A.S out mate!

I will point you in the right direction, but it will be pointless till you’ve broken your current paradigm.

You’ll keep on being sent youtube links by belly dancers, and give up hours of your life to people like Dan, whilst being blind to the truth, which would be delivered on a plate in front of you, by people who actually care, like me.

You’ll get there I’m sure, but I’m not one to give gifts that are not accepted.

So, when you’re ready and trust me, I’ll know when you’re ready, then I’ll be ready to open your mind and introduce you to some very interesting people, and spectacular resources.

All the best in health, and looking forward to Sunday Lunch with you both.

Love from Andy and Steve.

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