All about what makes us fat, and why exercise for weight loss is b*llshit!

BluntCoachDiet, Health, Weight LossLeave a Comment

Welcome to; The only article you’ll ever need to read to know what makes us fat, and why exercise for weight loss is bullshit!

When it comes to diet, weight management, fat loss, or exercise for weight management, you only need to go to Amazon and choose from thousands of book titles.

But which ones?

Whose got it right, and deserves your trust, or advocacy for your health? and of course your money, though this should be the last of your concerns when it comes to health.

Can you trust any book, doctor, dietician, fitness guru, or even yours truly?

I hereby present an accurate historical timeline of world events, specifically for the purpose of enabling a reader to not need to buy a book, or hire anyone, including me, to answer this simple question.

Following this timeline should provide the answers to some of the most commonly asked, and incorrectly answered questions we encounter, namely;

What really makes people fat?

Is obesity a disease of the rich, or the poor?

Is exercise effective in weight management?

Is weight management EVER about calories in versus calories out?

Which diet is the healthiest, as well as most effective for weight loss?

What’s the real reason for the global health crisis, and the exercise revolution?

I’ll answer that last one for you here because only a fucking moron can read this presentation and come to any conclusion other than Money!

Corruption, the male ego, power, incompetence, and ignorance may well all play a part here, but let’s not mess around. All roads lead to Rome, and that means money.

I apologize to readers who can’t yet relate to anyone, or any institution, that would place personal gain over public health. You, me, our children and elders.

My advice?

Don’t bother even trying to relate, understand, or get to grips over what some evil fucker will do to the general public for as little as a new house, car, promotion, or political advancement, let alone for billions!

Get over it, and stay focused on the chronological evidence provided below.

Check it out for the accuracy of course, but expect to be baffled at how so-called intellectuals in the 1950’s could have missed the evidence, clues, or breadcrumbs laid out for them, in their none too distant past.

How could our top physicians, scientists and governments, have been so blinded to history, so ignorant of the facts, and so very unable to piece the puzzle together, as you will have done just an hour from now?

Well, they didn’t put the puzzle together on purpose.

Of course, they had access to all the historical records, and the only thing they were ever blinded by has already been answered.


It’ll never get any simpler, basic, or obvious than that I’m afraid, so be warned if you read on, because you just might feel you’ve had your trousers taken down, and been dry fucked for at least 40 years.

Welcome to the club!

I spent years making excuses for these bastards your about to read about.

Excuses like; ‘well if a gram of fat yields 9 calories, to protein or carbs at 4 calories per gram, you can understand how it might have pointed to fat as the culprit for all our worries’

Or I’d say things like,

‘Well, I suppose if every time they cut open a dead heart attack victim, and found the arteries clogged with cholesterol constricting or blocking the blood flow, then you can understand how cholesterol became the enemy. And since cholesterol is kind of a fat, it must have been fat again that looked like the culprit’

Fuck off Andy, I told myself!

That was just me not wanting to admit… I’d been fucked the same as everyone else!

I don’t care that I had six and a half billion other mugs keeping me company, I’m as far removed from them as I am a chimpanzee, I thought.

No one could fuck me over that bad, so surely mistakes, oversights, sloppy scientific practices, and a lack of modern technology must have been the cause.

Anything else please, but not that someone planned to dry fuck me all along, and got away with it.

Surely no one would poison our water supply, the metal in our teeth, the plants and animals we eat, our air even, just for profit?

No lord, please tell me it can’t be so!

I so wanted to throw these fuckers a life-jacket, and if you’re a half decent human being, you’ll want to as well.

But the more I researched, the deeper I dug, the more times I discovered the same old shit turning up in history, over and over again, and I’m thinking ‘aren’t we supposed to learn from the past?’

You know something, you can probably even find a recent study somewhere, claiming how exercise is a big factor in weight loss, cholesterol is still evil, as is salt, but low fat or vegetarian is the way to go.

Of course, if you know what you’re looking for in a study, you’ll be able to spot the biases, financial agenda’s, big Agra or big pharma’s interests, bullshit statistics, rubber numbers, the correlation being confused with causation, and on and on.

But to the average man in the street, a lazy doctor, dietician or pharmacist, then just reading the abstract of the study will confirm what they already wanted to think.

That it’s all kosher, and sound advice.

Hundreds of studies are published each ‘day’ that pertain to our health in one way or another. I shit you not, HUNDREDS.

How the fuck would you expect any working doctor, dietician, nutritionist, gym trainer, or pharmacist to keep pace for starters, and do you have any idea what happens to the few whistleblowers who do pipe up?

Its shocking how quickly their peers, governing bodies, friends and accredited institutions, will turn on them, and how vicious and devastating the backlash can be.

Wise people taught me, that the best way to predict the future, is to study the past and then to look for repeating patterns.

You and I are almost as powerless at changing the future as we are the past, and maybe Blunt might change a few thousand lives, and you might talk to how many people?

Ten, maybe a hundred?

Out of seven Billion!

So, as you study the following timeline, and see a repeating pattern of ‘experts’ getting it wrong, in spite of all the history and evidence before them, you might just like to assume that nothing’s going to change anytime soon.

Or you can live in fucking La La land, and pin your hopes on Trump or Clinton, or your own countries mongoloid equivalents.

And believe me, they are all the same, wherever they come from, you simply can’t afford the time to find out otherwise and need to act for yourself and your family, right now.

Study this timeline, it has fuck all to do with vaccinations or a hundred other things we’re being equally fucked over on health-wise, but write to me if you want to see similar timelines on other topics because what can’t talk can’t lie! (Of course, it can, but I just love that Fools and Horses quote)

This is ‘recorded history’ which begs the question, what didn’t get recorded and swept under the carpet? I’ve found plenty I can tell you.

This is ‘observable reality’ over more than a century, not theories or speculation, it happened, is happening right now, and will continue to happen regardless of you or me.

All we can do is our own due diligence, step out of the current pulling us downstream, and walk a different path to where we need to be, and where our families will be safe.

The biggest mistake these fuckers ever made was allowing ‘freedom of information’.

Fuck knows how they slipped up so bad, maybe they just thought we were all too dumb to care, or too distracted with 300 TV channels and social media to give a crap, I don’t know how they could have been so stupid.

It will be their ultimate undoing, but not for decades at least, plus they still hold all the trump cards!

Just think about it, and I admit it’s a stretch, but can you and your family afford to go into a nuclear bunker for a month, while you poison the water and air supply of every corrupt politician, dictator and pharmaceutical chairman of the board?

Thought not!

But they can do that, to you and yours!

Or perhaps you could make up some dodgy vaccinations, taint their water and food supply, or genetically modify their cheerio’s with insect DNA while avoiding it all yourself.

I hope, for all our sakes, that I’m 100%, flat out wrong, but could they do any of the above to you and your family?

But what if I was just 10% right about that possibility?

Thanks for reading.

Blunt Health History Part 1, Diet, Obesity, and Weight Management through exercise.

• 1846 Army Battalion Surgeon John Griffin describes Pima Indians as; ‘sprightly and in fine health, with huge stores of food’.

Later they shared that food, on request of the US government, with thousands of travellers during the American gold rush.

We’ll come back to the Pima later, but for now please note that they had tons of food supplies, yet were described as ‘sprightly and in fine health’.

•William Banting, a British undertaker, chronicles his failed attempts to lose weight, following a Doctor friend’s advice to try “increased bodily exertion”.

Banting ended up rowing for 2 hours each morning, and reported that whilst he “gained muscular vigour” he added, “but with it a prodigious appetite, which I was compelled to indulge, and consequently increased in weight until my old friend advised me to forsake the exercise.”

I think Banting was onto something there, what do you think?

Does your appetite increase after a day in your garden, a jog, or a visit to the gym?

In my entire life, I’ve only ever known 3 people to say no to this, and personally, I find exercise makes me ravenous.

Again, please make note, that as far back as 156 years ago, we were given a clue that exercise and weight loss are not a happy marriage.

•1862 William Banting, then 66, 5’5’’ and over 200lbs, finally consulted a surgeon, William Harvey, who had recently returned from Paris and a lecture on diabetes, where it was revealed to him that the liver secretes glucose, the substance of both sugar and starch, which accumulates excessively in the bloodstream of diabetics.

Harvey believed that a diet of meat and dairy would check the secretion of sugar in the urine of a diabetic.

Harvey knew that a saccharine and farinaceous (consisting of or containing starch) diet was used to fatten certain animals, so he prescribed a diet to Banting in 1862, consisting of 3 meals a day of meat, fish or game, with a little-cooked fruit on the side, whilst avoiding bread, milk, beer, sweets, potatoes and any other sugar or starchy items.

Ok, so maybe Banting was just an undertaker, but here we have the first evidence of a physician who, having travelled to Paris to broaden his knowledge, begins to put together the idea that carbohydrates drive insulin, and insulin drives obesity.

And that trip to Paris would have been paid for by himself and was not some big pharma sponsored bullshit conference.

Dr William Harvey was both serious and credible, is what I’m saying.

Even with 4 glasses of wine, and a whisky or brandy each day, William Banting lost 35lbs in 8 months, and another 15lbs, 6 months on from this.

“I have not felt better in health than now, for the last 26 years,” he wrote. “My other bodily ailments have become mere matters of history.”

This information comes from a 16-page pamphlet Banting first published in 1863 which launched the first popular diet craze selling in the USA, Germany, Austria and France.

According to the British Medical Journal, “the emperor of the French is trying the Banting system, and is said to have already profited greatly thereby.”

The word “Banting” even entered the English language as a verb, meaning to “diet.”

The medical establishment didn’t know what to make of all this, after all, Banting was an undertaker, in spite of following the lead of a surgeon and some great French thinkers, so they did what they always do when someone threatens to make them look like the arses they are, and gave Mr Banting a lashing.

First, they said these dietary ideas were ‘old news’ since 2 Englishmen (Alfred Moore and John Harvey) had already published papers on a high meat, carbohydrate-free diet, in 1860 and 1861.

Finally, they stuck the boot in with; “We advise Mr Banting, and every one of his kind, not to meddle with medical literature again, but be content to mind his own business,” The Lancet sniped.

As Banting became even more popular, the Lancet felt obliged to adopt a more scientific attitude.

They suggested that a “fair trial” be given to Banting’s diet, and to the claim that “the sugary and starchy elements of food are really the chief cause of undue corpulence.”

At the time of writing this in 2015, I have yet to find any evidence of that ‘fair trial’ taking place.

Please remember that England’s colonies were massive sugar producers, and the Brits had already increased their consumption of sugar fivefold, between 1710 and 1770, and it had surpassed grain as the most valuable commodity in Europe at that time.

Consumption would double again by 1850!

Similarly, the USA had Cuba for their sugar and were growing a rather large sweet tooth of their own.

Finally, please consider that sugar was also of massive importance to the slave industry, which again Britain and America have a lot to answer for.

What I’m saying is, that perhaps the sugar and carbohydrate industry in general, was already well on its way to being an issue you don’t fuck with, unless you’re in the market for a pair of lead boots!

•244-pound Prince Otto von Bismarck lost sixty pounds in under a year on the ‘Atkins diet’ (Banting really).

This was around 70 years before Robert Atkins was born!

•1870’s. Anglo and Mexican settlers had hunted the Pima’s (mentioned above) local game to near extinction, and the Pima had actually begun a famine, living off government rations.

And guess what those government rations consisted of?

Yep, mostly grains and sugar!

• 1901 to 1905, Anthropologists Frank Russell (who took the photo of the fat bird, Louisa, left) and Ales Hrdlischer, study Pima Indians who are obese.

Russell reports that Pima have been eating plenty but of the wrong foods.

“certain articles of their food appear to be markedly flesh producing”, he remarked, while pointing out that the Pueblo tribe nearby had been sedentary for centuries but weren’t fat.

Pima before!

Pima 2012

•Anthropologist (above), notes that 6 trading posts had opened on the Pima reservation, all selling sugar and canned goods, and the great bulk of the government rations was white flour.

So, let’s make this clear; the mainly Irish settlers had hunted all the Pima’s wild game to the brink of extinction, and while the word ‘famine’ shows up above, this is not a famine as you or I would understand it, as there was plenty to eat courtesy of the US government, but it was simply shit.

• German pediatrician Hilde Bruch moves to New York, and in spite of the depression, is amazed at how many obese children there are. Keep an eye out for her name further down the time line.

• 1936 Eugene Du Bois, a nutrition and metabolism expert from Cornell University, considers what we today term ‘calories in v calories out’ to maintain the perfect weight.

He calculates, that for a 165-pound man to maintain his weight for 20 years within just 2 lbs., he would be matching his calories in versus calories out to within a twentieth of 1 percent, which Du Bois describes as, “an exactness which is equalled by few mechanical devices.”

He added, “there is no stranger phenomena than the maintenance of a constant body weight, under marked variation in bodily activity and food consumption.”

Perhaps Du Bois had been on a few safaris and made some observation of nature.

When did you last see a lion spit out a mouthful of meat because it had taken it over its daily calorie consumption for maintaining perfect weight, or the same animal go for a jog, to burn the extra mouthful off?

How many calories did you accurately burn off, or consume today? I wouldn’t have a clue.

Eugene Du Bois was basically telling us that Calories in V Calories Out was bollocks, in 1932!

If your 30 right now, and at your perfect weight, what do you think would happen if you overate by say 20 calories per day. How much would you weigh by age 50?

Let’s do the math together; 20 calories x 365 days, = 7,300 excess calories a year. Times that by 20 years (30 to 50) and you get 146,000 calories.

Health experts are always telling us that 1pound of fat equates to 3,500 calories, so when we divide 146,000 into 3,500 you get 41.7 pounds of fat!

So, by overeating say, half an apple a day, our hypothetical 30-year-old is borderline obese at 50, and clinically obese at 60. God forbid they should live to 90!

So, Eugene Du Bois, a respected nutrition and metabolism expert from Cornell University, is telling you that calorie counting (weight watchers et al), is complete bollocks, over 80 years ago!

• Hilda Bruch sets up clinic for obese children.

Being a complete bitch, she rubbished the theory that obese children had a hormonal or dietary problem, and placed the blame at the feet of overprotective, domineering mothers, and weak or absent fathers.

She’d been treated herself you see, via psychoanalysis, for a nervous breakdown after arriving in New York, and attended a few classes herself.

So, using typical Freudian bullshit, where every problem becomes something to do with your mum, this silly cow became famous for her ideas, and theories.

“Freudian theories she explained, are that mothers of fat children, hadn’t wanted the child, and didn’t love them, yet felt guilty of this.

Incapable of offering authentic love, mothers overfed their kids to compensate!”

What a stupid bitch.

• 1940 Hugo Roney, of North Western University, found average calories consumed by lumberjacks to be over 5,000 calories and tailors around 2,500.

People who change occupation he said, “Soon develop corresponding changes in their appetite”

Was Mr Roney hinting that a female bank clerk that exercised like a CrossFit gym rat, 5 nights a week, might end up eating a lumberjack’s dinner?

I doubt there was anything as vulgar as a woman pumping iron after a spin class back in 1940, but as previously mentioned, my appetite certainly increases in direct proportion to my output.

• 1950 Jean Mayer, an authority on human weight regulation from Tufts University, gets the credit for any poor sod who thinks they can lose weight and keep it off through exercise.

You’d expect an expert in weight regulation to have worked with many fat people, or in clinics worldwide, but not this mug.

No, all you needed in 1950 or today, are well-connected parents, a white coat and academic degree, and you can publish a paper on why we get fat, without ever helping a single person lose weight.

So, this ‘Knob Jockey’ pioneered the idea that a sedentary lifestyle was the “most important factor” in obesity. Mr Mayer explained that “our forebears were constantly engaged in hard physical labour”.

In a nutshell, he’s saying you can blame your fat arse on your car, microwave oven, and electric toothbrush.

All things I doubt the Pima Indians had!

Jean Mayer was born in Paris to a distinguished scientific family so, whilst giving him full credit for being ‘well hard’ as a decorated war hero, perhaps academically he was the runt of the Mayer litter, destined to become an expert in nutrition.

He certainly never bothered with the history of obesity, as you just have.

His Dad interestingly was instrumental in founding the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation and forgive my conspiratorial mind, but when I hear Food and Agriculture in the same sentence, I immediately think of big kickbacks from producers of shit foodstuffs.

Could Mayer have been that dumb as to not connect the dots from a hundred years of prior documented research, just like we’re doing right now? that’s real research, that draws the obvious conclusion as to why people get fat.

Both his Mum and Dad were physiologists, his Dad’s the president of the French Academy of Medicine, and he (Jean) was a professor of nutrition for Christ sake.

I’m from Brixton, South London! Where are you from?

Could Mayer have had a financial interest in the fitness industry, which obviously blinded him?

Just asking, because I’d rather think that about him than that he was a total retard who the Americans saw as a national hero (and still do).

Either way, he was spouting his ‘exercise for weight control’ bollocks, since the early 1950’s as a 30-year-old boy.

He’d been studying a strain of obese mice that were as lazy as fuck, but with very small appetites. Thus, their obesity couldn’t be down to gluttony, so it had to be sloth didn’t it, Mayer concluded.

How can we be so naive as to listen to these educated ponces, when they’re no more than kids themselves, pumped up on ambition and susceptible to greasing by all and sundry?

At least they should have to stand and debate with detractors before dishing out advice that can change a worldview on something as critical as diet.

How many guys and girls have been made to feel guilty for exercising too little, and eating too much, thanks to ‘Jean Boy Mayer’ do you think?

20 years later in 1972, and apparently none the wiser from 2 decades as a top boffin at the White House, Mayer, in writing a newspaper column wrote; “Exercise would make weight melt away faster,” and, “Contrary to popular belief, exercise won’t stimulate your appetite”.

Neither animal nor human evidence has ever supported Mayer’s claims. What a wally!

• A Survey ranks Italy and Greece as having the least food available per person than any other country in war-torn Europe. But the working-class women were fat, and the rich women were not.

• 1951 Seven prominent British clinicians, led by Raymond Greene published a textbook entitled; The Practice of Endocrinology.

Their prescribed diet for obesity, was almost identical to that recommended by William Banting (1863), with foods to be avoided being; Bread and everything else made with flour, cereals, including breakfast cereals and milk puddings, potatoes, and all other white root vegetables, Foods containing much sugar, and all sweets.

• Early 1960’s New York survey. Obese women are 6x more likely to be poor than rich. Men 2x more likely to be poor.

• South Africa, 40% of Zulu women are obese. Average woman was 20lbs heavier and 4 inches shorter than the men, although the women had signs of malnutrition, and did most of the work!

Above; Zulu women before starchy carbs, and Zulu women after! Admittedly the fat ones look happier, but then so would I after a visit to Cadbury World!

• Trinidad. US nutritionists report that malnutrition is a serious medical problem, yet almost a third of the women over 25 are obese while consuming fewer calories than United Nations recommendations.

So, in other words, these people weren’t eating enough, but were still fat!

• In 1961, the American Heart Association published its first dietary guidelines, in which Ancel Keys, Irving Page, Jeremiah Stamler and Frederick Stare, strongly advised substituting polyunsaturated fatty acids for saturated fat.

Keys, Page and Stare, however, had also previously published papers showing that the increase in coronary heart disease mirrored the rise in consumption of vegetable oils, which seems to have been totally overlooked. How strange, and how typically hypocritical!

Nevertheless, Jeremiah Stamler, sponsored by Mazola Corn Oil and Mazola Margarine, (I know, I couldn’t fucking make it up, could I) co-authored “Your Heart Has Nine Lives” urging people to substitute vegetable oils for butter, and other “artery clogging” saturated fats.

Mazola advertisements also claimed that “science finds corn oil important to your health,” even though there was no evidence whatsoever.

So, no conflict of interest there then!

• 1964 Dr Michael De Bakey, the world renowned preeminent heart surgeon, co-authored a study.

Involving 1,700 patients, it showed no correlation between serum cholesterol levels and the severity or extent of coronary disease.

That’s the ‘Cholesterol/Heart Hypothesis’ out the fucking window, in 1964 no less!

It’s worth your while to know a little more about this incredible guy, since you’ll read fuck all about him elsewhere in history, plus I also need you to see the utter stupidity of ignoring his wisdom (and George Cahill’s below), when the time came to change the worlds eating habits, and demonise cholesterol in 1977.

This man truly knew his trade.

He died 2 months before his 100th birthday, pioneered heart bypass surgery, and was known as ‘The Magician of the Heart’. Wow. But it doesn’t stop there.

Medical historian, Dr Sherwin Nuland, has said he was, “without question, the greatest surgeon of all time”

At age 23, while still in medical school at Tulane University, Dr DeBakey developed the roller pump, the significance of which was not realized until 20 years later, when it became an essential component of the heart-lung machine. The pump provided a continuous flow of blood during operations. This, in turn, made open-heart surgery possible.

During his unparalleled career, he operated on over 60,000 people, including many celebrities and heads of state including, the Duke of Windsor, the Shah of Iran, King Hussein of Jordan, Boris Yeltsin, and Presidents Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon.

He also invented and improved a series of devices, now routinely used in the treatment of heart patients.

These included artificial hearts, heart pumps to assist those waiting for transplants, and more than 50 surgical instruments, including the DeBakey clamps, and the DeBakey forceps, used today by vascular surgeons around the world.

But the ‘Dacron graft’, used to treat diseased arteries, remains his greatest innovation, according to medical historians.

These grafts are used to repair aneurysms, or ballooning, in all parts of the aorta, and are now part of standard treatment.

He also developed the Mobile Army Surgical Hospital, or MASH unit, then created a follow-up system for veterans’ health problems, which evolved into the Veterans Affairs hospital.

He was among the first to speak publicly of the link between smoking and lung cancer.

In 1996 he supervised the quintuple bypass surgery performed by Russian surgeons on Russian President, Boris Yeltsin.

At age 97 (2005) this amazing man suffered a tear to the largest artery in his body (aorta), and became the oldest person to undergo the 7-hour operation, that he fucking invented!

How cool is that!

After 8 months in the hospital, he was released, and returned to good health in one month when he attended the opening ceremony of the Michael E. DeBakey Library and Museum!

Now, when you get to 1968 and beyond in this timeline, you should begin to feel as angry as I did that this great man’s research was ignored by the various complete and utter bastards, who then crafted and shaped the world’s ever deteriorating health, costing the lives of millions of our loved ones.

• 1965 George Cahill, Professor of medicine at Harvard, publishes 800-page physiological compendium proving hormones, enzymes and growth factors, regulate fat tissue, and not overeating.

“Carbohydrate is driving insulin, is driving fat”, he revealed!

Nailed it!

He was also the author and co-author of nearly 200 articles in scientific magazines and books.

George Cahill was another one of ‘the good guys’ I reckon, and once again, was totally ignored and overlooked, in as little as 3 years down the road, as you are about to witness.

Forget for a moment, that this journey through time has taken us back to 1848, and just on the evidence of the past 2 great men above, prepare to be shocked and outraged as you read on.

• Under the watchful gaze of uber honest President Nixon, Senator George McGovern was tasked with finding solutions for America’s poverty caused malnutrition, and to enhance nutrition-related health for the nation.

The US Senate Select Committee on Nutrition and Human Needs, chaired by Senator George McGovern, was established in 1968 to study the problem of malnutrition.

More on the arsehole McGovern in a moment.

• 1970 Lagos Nigeria. 5% of men and 30% of women are obese. 40% of women aged 55 to 65 are ‘very obese’

• 1972. Health club industry worth $200 million ($20 billion today). Here we go!

• 1974. Jamaica. Dr Rolf Richards reports from his diabetes clinic, that 10% of men and 66% of women are obese.

• 1974, Senator McGovern expanded the Committee’s scope to include national nutrition policy, and the focus shifted from malnutrition to eating too much, especially fats.

During the McGovern commission, the senator observed poor people claiming undernourishment for being fat.

Obviously, confounded by poor yet fat people turning up to give evidence, McGovern simply opted for them all as being greedy fat lying bastards, who obviously indulged themselves daily on Champaign, the finest fatty foie gras, truffles, eggs, smoked salmon, meats and dairy!

• 1977. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) held a conference on obesity and weight control, where the experts concluded that; “the importance of exercise in weight control is ‘less than believed’, because increases in energy expenditure due to exercise also tend to increase food consumption, and it is not possible to predict whether the increased caloric output will be outweighed by the greater food intake”

• 1977. The New York Times Magazine reported that there was now “strong evidence that regular exercise can and does result in substantial, and so long as the exercise continued, – permanent weight loss.”

Pity none of those moron journalists attended or reported on the NIH conference of the very same year above, wasn’t it!

I guess that like most magazines, this one was stuffed full of paid advertisements for various dietary aids, home exercise equipment, bicycles, gym clothing, running shoes, and nutrition supplements.

No doubt it also had a customary expert twat somewhere, spouting the usual bullshit of how many calories you burn in an hour of this exercise versus this type, and how many pounds of body fat that equates to over a year.

• The 1977 McGovern report, Dietary goals for the United States, was based on the belief that eliminating fat would lower cholesterol, and reverse the rising incidence of heart disease.

This remember, was totally and deliberately ignoring the genius research of the world’s greatest heart surgeon, Michael De Bakey, that had already established in 1964, that there was NO connection between cholesterol and heart disease!

This McGovern report, that would change the worlds dietary habits, and murder millions was written by Nick Mottern, a former reporter for The Providence Journal, who had no scientific background, and absolutely no experience writing about science, nutrition, or health.

But he was a card-carrying vegetarian! And they always have opinions.

Mottern believed, as all retarded vegetarians do, that saturated fat was as dangerous as cigarettes and urged the nation to cut fat intake to 30% of daily calories while keeping saturated fat to a maximum of 10%.

Precisely at this time, of course, it was a well-documented fact that populations with the lowest rates of heart disease in the world, all had high intakes of saturated fat!

The Inuit Eskimos for example, lived long healthy lives free of heart disease and cancer, despite the fact that 75 % of caloric intake was saturated fat, mostly from whale meat and blubber.

Saturated fat was also 66 % of total calories for the Masai in Kenya, who consumed large amounts of meat and milk. Yet, heart disease was rare, and cholesterol levels were about half those of the average American.

It’s also worth pointing out here, that human mother’s milk, which is 54 % saturated fat, can hardly be considered dangerous or unhealthy.

Still, Mottern was a retarded vegetarian on a mission, and no doubt just as blinded to reality as most vegetarians need to be, to validate such a pathetic eating plan.

He relied heavily on a single Professor of Nutrition at Harvard Medical School, Mark Hegsted, who maintained that saturated fats elevated harmful cholesterol levels, and should be replaced by monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, that could have beneficial effects.

Not that any of that had any real scientific backing, and ignoring the raft of evidence to the contrary, Mr Hegsted had his opinions, which were exactly what veggie boy Mottern wanted to hear to write his bullshit report that would change the world’s dietary habits, and murder millions in the bargain.

Carbohydrates, (the actual cause of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease), the report stated, were to be increased to 55 to 60% of daily calories, which of course makes perfect sense, when you have a healthcare system designed to prosper from illness.

Do I sound at all cynical?

Well then, please remind me, dear reader, what group of drugs have made the most money in history. EVER?

That’d be the cholesterol-lowering statins then, wouldn’t it? Having grossed over $300 billion since their introduction, and are still going strong.

This was in 1977 remember, and cholesterol was officially to become the devil’s seed from this point forward, but why’s that point, and the date, worth me labouring over for you?

Well, in July 1976, Roy Vagelos, President of Merck Drug Research Laboratories, signed a confidentiality agreement with Sankyo Research Laboratories of Japan and obtained samples of ‘compactin’ and Sankyo’s confidential experimental data on it.

And guess what ‘compactin’ did, when it was at home?

Merck researchers confirmed Sankyo’s findings and were astonished at the potency of the drug at lowering cholesterol (only LDL mind you, which is why the bastards had to make that the ‘Bad Cholesterol’).

Under the direction of Alfred Albert, Merck set out to find its own statins, and in February 1979 isolated a statin very similar to compactin in chemical structure, called mevinolin, from the fungus; Aspergillus terreus.

By 1980 clinical studies were well underway, with FDA approval in 1987, when the drugs hit the pharmacies.

So, if you want to know why I’m a bit cynical, I can give you 300 billion (dollar) fucking reasons why!

Statins are shit drugs, with god-awful shitty side effects.

They are at best 1% effective in high-risk men, and zero percent effective for women (not my figures, their own published figures believe it or not!).

Anyway, the new dietary guidelines for America were now set in place (1977), and heart disease, obesity, diabetes, and cancer, have been on the rise ever since.

Can’t think why!

• The National Advisory Committee proposed a similar diet in the UK, even though no benefits had ever been reported from this or other fat-restricted diets.

With the US and the UK on board, it’s easy to see how this bullshit became the norm worldwide.

I mean, if you can’t trust the British and Americans to look after their public health, who can you trust?

The previous UK guidelines had correctly directed the public towards a higher fat, lower carb lifestyle, and British obesity was around 9%. Today it’s 30% and climbing.

• And soft in the head, yet very popular tart, Jane Brody, the personal health reporter for the Times, was still banging on about how exercise was “the key” to successful weight loss.

• 1989 A Danish research team actually trained a group of couch potatoes to run a marathon.

Sounds cruel I know, but these people planned on dropping some considerable weight in the process, so it would be worth the monumental effort, (or so they thought).

18 months later, and after actually running a 26.2-mile marathon, the 18 men in the study had lost a whopping average of ‘5’, yes you read it right, five pounds of body fat.

The 9 women in the study must have had faces like a slapped arse because they lost sweet FA! “No change in body composition was observed” the report read.

Now that’s my idea of funny.

Still, all that lovely fresh air and blisters they got, eh.

• Early 1990’s, the National Institute of Health spends $1Billion studying 20,000 random women.

The question of the study. Do low-fat diets prevent heart disease or cancer in women?

They were counselled to eat a low fat, high fruit, vegetable and fibre diet which, according to the Women’s Health Initiative, consisted of 360 calories a day less than they did before the study.

After 8 years the women lost an average of 2 pounds, and their waist circumferences (a measure of abdominal fat) increased!

 Ha, ha, hardy ha ha!

If they lost 2lbs then it must have been muscle because, if calories in v calories out works, then 360 calories saved per day for 8 years’ equals 360x365x8 or 1,051,200 calories.

Divided into 3,500 calories per pound, equals approximately 36 pounds per year they should have lost, every year, instead of just the pathetic 2 pounds’ total, over 8 years!

  • Governor Tommy Thompson, the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, on NBC TV states;

“We just eat too damn much”

Thanks for that contribution Tommy, you fucking moron.

• Health club industry now worth $16 billion. Lovely jubbly!

• New England Journal of Medicine, head of nutrition at John Hopkins University, describes his visit to a clinic in the slums of Brazil as; “full of mothers with thin, stunted young children, exhibiting the typical signs of chronic undernutrition” The mothers holding those children, however, were fat!

Were the Mums overeating, and starving their own children at the same time?

• Statistics expert Paul Williams from the National Laboratory in Berkeley California and Peter Wood of Stanford University (who had been collecting data on the effect of exercise on health since the 1970’s) collected details of 13,000 habitual runners and compared the weekly mileage to how much they weighed year to year.

Williams (above left) and Wood (right), were both keen runners themselves and knew what they were looking for.

Those who ran the most tended to weigh the least, however, all the runners, even those who ran 8 miles a day, 5 days a week, still got fatter year by year!

Williams and Wood suggested that runners would have to increase their mileage year after year as they got older, to remain lean.

They claimed that if men add 2 miles to their runs each week, and women 3 miles (each year remember), then according to these two geniuses, they might manage to stay lean (maybe they were just being sarcastic. I can’t believe they were in any way serious).

So, a 30-year-old lady who’s currently running 3 miles a day, 5 days a week (so 15 miles a week), would have to be running 14.8 miles a day, 5 days a week in her fifties, just to stay in the same dress size!

I know, my fucking legs are aching just typing this, and my brain can’t be bothered to see what daily mileage this poor cow will be up to in her 60’s and 70’s.

Dead most likely!

Even at my best pace, that 14.8 miles, would take me 2 hours to run.

Where do these fucking idiot researchers think people get all this time from?

What if she’s only 20 yrs. old at the moment? How far will she be running at 50, and how long will she be on the road each day?

• The American Heart Association and the American College of Sports Medicine, on the subject of people with high energy expenditure being less likely to gain weight over time, concluded; “So far, data to support this hypothesis are not particularly compelling” ….What!

Never mind ‘not particularly compelling’ try instead; ‘the data is non-fucking existent’.

But then these are the same swine’s that would get paid for allowing their ‘healthy heart’ logo to be printed on boxes of dog shit breakfast cereals, same as they did in the UK.

Healthy whole grains and wheat my arse, ‘healthy’ doesn’t belong in the same sentence. ‘Heart Attack, Diabetes and Cancer in a Box’ more like.

• 2007 Jeffrey and Terry Flier, Dean of Harvard Medical School obesity research, published an article in Scientific American titled “What fuels fat”

“An animal whose food is suddenly restricted tends to reduce its energy expenditure, both by being less active and by slowing energy use in cells, thereby limiting weight loss”

“It also experiences increased hunger so that once the restriction ends, it will eat more than its prior norm until the earlier weight is attained”.

For me, this single study, and those 54 words should have eloquently explained 2 of the most widely asked questions in weight management for 50 years.

Namely; why does calorie restriction, at best, have results that are short-term (as the metabolism slows for starvation), and why does the weight come back when calorie restriction is removed.

For me personally, the fact that hunger was stimulated, led me to understand why many vegetarians and vegans are often cold to the touch, yet at the same time a little buzzy, or spaced out.

I first theorized it to be nature’s way of providing that last spurt of energy to; ‘go hunt before you fucking die of malnourishment’ (I think it’s fair to assume Mother Nature would at least be as Blunt a Coach as me).

A bit like in Star Trek when the Enterprise gets damaged and Captain Kirk calls for ‘emergency power.’ “Aye Sir, we can run on this for sure, and even defend ourselves, but if ah canee get the dilithium crystals recharged and the reactor back online, we be proper fucked Capn” as Scottie might say!

The ‘Emergency Power Source’ for humans I discovered (found running in vegetarians 24/7), are the stress hormones Cortisol and Adrenaline, secreted in the body when Thyroid function is low, and since thyroid regulates metabolism and body temperature we can begin to understand why many of our leaf-eating friends suffer from the cold hands and feet.

When you eliminate all animal foods as in veganism, you will discover that from what you have left to eat, whilst still very varied, colourful and interesting, these foods are also foods containing huge amounts of phytoestrogens, anti-nutrients and goitrogens. And what are they exactly?

They are the plant’s natural defences against anything trying to eat it, because plants can’t run, hide or fight in the conventional sense. Chemical warfare in other words!

Goitrogens suppress the enemy’s Thyroid function, without which no animal can thrive. Anti-Nutrients block the absorption of vital minerals, again ensuring the enemy can’t function optimally, and Phytoestrogens render the enemy ‘Infertile’.

To add insult to injury, vegetarians will often stay well away from saturated fats and instead favour the poly-unsaturated (PUFA) types commonly known as ‘vegetable oils’.

Sadly, PUFA has also been proven to lower thyroid function substantially, so much so in fact that farmers have been feeding it to livestock since the 1940’s to fatten them up before market.

If proper thyroid function were to be restored then the ‘Emergency Power’ stress hormones Cortisol and Adrenaline would calm down. Imagine those two ‘Catabolic’ hormones sit at one end of a seesaw with thyroid on the other end. They’re supposed to be balanced with stress hormones obviously available for instant action against any threat or sudden emergency.

But to live for decades with these stress hormones chronically switched on is a ridiculous idea that leads to baggy skin, low muscle mass, a gaunt skeletal looking face starved of collagen and low bone mass (notwithstanding all the farting from undigestable plant cellulose).

‘Catabolic’ by the way, means ‘Breaking Down’ whereas ‘Anabolic means ‘Building Up’. And this explains why the vast majority of vegetarians look more like marathon runners than sprinters.

Believe it or not, sprinters are way more healthy than marathoners, with excellent muscle mass, incredible bone density, and would you believe it, lower visceral fat around their internal organs and lower body fat in general.

• 2007 The results of the A to Z weight loss study, were published in the prestigious journal of the American medical association (J.A.M.A).

This landmark research cost $2 million of government-funded tax payer’s money.

A to Z was spelt, A. T. O. Z,

A for Atkins, 20 grams a day of carbs for the first 2 to 3 months, and then 50 grams (they went up to 100), with as much protein and fat as desired.

T for Traditional diet, calorie restricted, 55 to 60% carbs, 30% fat and saturated fat less than 10%, exercise encouraged.

O for Ornish, Fewer than 10% of calories come from fat, and subjects have to meditate, exercise and quit smoking. From Dr Dean Ornish, the Presidential adviser to both Clinton and Obama!

This dubious accolade alone, in my view, should already arouse your suspicions.

But when you discover that his, ‘diet to reverse heart disease’ is the only one covered by Medicare, you have to ask how the fuck that happens, if not for his association with the above two cronies.

I will not deny that his approach has shown (tiny) benefits of reducing heart disease, but only a fucking moron will point to the diet part of this protocol as the significant factor.

How come?

We must all surely know how lethal smoking is to the heart, as well as the lungs, and no one will argue that stress is likely the biggest killer of hearts of all time.

And what lowers stress? Exercise and meditation. Thus, along with cessation of smoking, these were all part of the Ornish protocol, so you can hardly call it a fucking diet can you!

Finally, the Z (in ATOZ) stands for the Zone diet. 40% carbs, 30% protein and 30% fat.

At the helm of this 1 year, and most important landmark study, was Christopher Gardner PhD, assistant professor of medicine at the Stanford Prevention Research Center.

A vegetarian for 25 years, so I wonder which diet he was rooting for?

Well let me tell you something very interesting, and ‘spoiler alert’, the Atkins diet blew the rest away in terms of weight loss and keeping it off, even while many on Atkins dialled their carbs up to 100 grams daily.

Forget that. Winning the diet war was a no-brainer in my mind, simply because, unless you live in a cave and don’t know medical research exists, its carbs that make you fat!

No. Way, way more interesting was the fact that Gardener also wanted to compare Blood pressure, triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL (good cholesterol) and LDL (so-called bad cholesterol), and the overall risk of having a heart attack, on all four of the diets in the trial.

Perhaps they had a good idea that the Atkins would thrash them on the weight loss, yet hoped to trash Atkins on the health angle, and show a clear risk of increased heart disease, thus negating any weight loss advantage.

Were that to happen, and who wants to lose a few extra pounds and suffer a heart attack, this would allow the Ornish diet to sweep up, and come out smelling of roses overall.

That was the plan I bet.

Just look at what the Stanford Research Center said though;

“Many concerns have been expressed, that low carbohydrate weight loss diets, high in total and saturated fat, will adversely affect blood lipid levels and cardiovascular risk.

 These concerns have not been substantiated in recent weight loss diet trials.

The recent trials, like the current study, have consistently reported that triglycerides, HDL, blood pressure and measures of insulin resistance, either were not significantly different or were more favourable for the very low carbohydrate groups.”

Gardener PhD has openly stated that he agreed to run the study because; “he was concerned that a diet, like the Atkins diet, rich in meat and saturated fat, could be dangerous”

Now straight away, can you see the fucking bias he was approaching this from?

I wonder how many backhanders it took to get a bloody vegetarian fronting such an important study?

But guess what actually happened?

The Atkins group significantly lowered their blood pressure, lowered their triglycerides (both good things), total cholesterol stayed the same (neutral), increased their HDL and LDL (brilliant, I’ll explain why in a minute), and their risk of having a heart attack ‘Decreased significantly’ which is awesome!

When Veggie boy Gardener described the total domination of Atkins over the other 3 diets, one of which probably 90% of the planet are adhering to, he described it as;

“A Bitter Pill to Swallow”

Oh, I bet it was, Mr clever vegetarian PhD, very bitter indeed.

  • 2014 Health Club Industry worth $24.2 billion in just the US!


If the above timeline chronicles and my comments don’t answer the questions at the top of this article, then they should at least offer you massive clues as to where to look to find them, but there really is so many of them (study’s), that it was difficult to decide what to put in for you here.

This year for example (2015), a huge, widely published study looked back on all the available historical research, and concluded that those McGovern dietary guidelines of 1977 should never have happened!

I deliberately left out the Ancel Keyes fraud of the 1950’s, which of course alerted the world to the perils of the alleged deadly cholesterol, and also left out research clearly showing how the brain runs 25% more efficiently on ketones (from fat) than on glucose, because like dozens of other studies, they’re other subjects for different articles.

That said, I want to caution you against confusing ‘efficiency’ with optimum health and longevity.

Running a brain on ‘ketones’ and a body on fat with little or no carbs in the diet (aka Atkins) is undoubtedly the fastest way to lose weight, and I can confirm from my own experiments that I felt way sharper with my stores of glycogen depleted and being ‘keto adapted’ as they say.

But this ‘sharpness’ is an evolutionary advantage nature gives us when we’re out of carbs and running strictly on fat stores, in the same way hibernating mammals do for 3 or 4 months each year.

We can’t lay down fat if we’re burning it up for energy, which as stated, is great if you’re an obese person living in a centrally heated modern society with food stores on every corner.

But as a caveperson, and with no certainty whatsoever for survival other than our own resourcefulness, guile and cunning, we’d have needed a mechanism that ‘took us up a gear or two’ as we came out of a long harsh winter living off of fat stores.

That mechanism would have been ‘ketosis’ and the release of the stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline) to speed us up a bit till we were able to source a ton of honey, fresh fruit, berries or perhaps lactose from milk etc, to refuel our liver and muscle glycogen stores, along with of course hunting wild game. 

As glycogen levels rise the hormone glucagon stops secreting and cortisol and adrenaline stop pulling energy from muscles and fat stores since the emergency is now over.

The thyroid then can function correctly, our metabolism adjusts back to normal, and if needed, we can once again convert excess carbohydrates into stored body fat to see us through the next winter or time of hardship.

So running on ‘energy reserves’ (fat) by utilising (catabolic) ‘stress hormones’ 24/7, might well be an evolutionarily advantageous thing to do from time to time, but I wouldn’t want to chance it for longer than a few months a year.

Nature remember, is only concerned with survival, and then most likely only while your still young enough to make babies and keep the species alive, after that you’re ‘excess baggage’.

It doesn’t give a flying fuck about you after that time and certainly doesn’t care if your skin looks good for your age, or if you can remember where you left your car keys.

Beware the ‘keto’ and ‘low carb’ diet dogmas currently in vogue, because all is not ‘as advertised’ and you may come unstuck.

But to the question of exercise or calories in v calories out being of any use to weight loss, I hope you conclude a resounding ‘NO’ after reading this timeline, but if you require more on that please read our article; ‘Should Obese people Go to the Gym?’ in our fitness section for an even deeper understanding. 

I am working on a cholesterol timeline article, which will be ready soon, and I’m wanting to create timelines for medical and psychological fraud, vaccinations, and crap substances like Aspartame, MSG, PUFA’s GMO’s, margarine, trans fats, and high fructose corn syrup etc.

Stay tuned for those, and please remember.

Those who do not learn from the mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them,”

Stay tuned!

All the best, and thanks for popping in today,

Blunt Coach Andy.

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