The Future of Awesome Health, Fat Loss, and Wealth Creation, is Already Here at Blunt Coach!

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If like me, you’re a gadget person, and have the ‘Health is Everything’ mental attitude towards your wellness, then you’ll love this article.

The title above doesn’t say health and ‘Weight Loss’, but ‘Fat Loss’ for very good reason, and since I’m not talking to a moron who only measures their progress with a tape measure or cheap bathroom scales, I’ll confide in you some insight as to where I see the future going, but as usual, it’ll still only be in the hands of an elite few.

Freely available to the masses of course, but sadly their always 10 to 20 years behind, because even freely available information, is still invisible to people not seeking it!

Remember friends, you’re either a ‘Learner and Repeater’ or a ‘Creator and Innovator’, in all walks of your life.

Even the dullest people I meet on my adventures, if you dig deep enough that is, have at least one thing in their lives that they’re ahead of the curve in.

The trick is bringing all the facets of a meaningful life into that Creator/Innovator spectrum.

Things like your health, for example, deserve no compromise, and towing the party line with a follow the herd mentality, listening to bro science, buying into common knowledge, or any of bullshits other clever disguises that ‘Learners and Repeaters’ cling onto, will take decades off your life, not to mention the quality of the time you’ll be around to enjoy it.

So let’s talk health, fat, and wealth for a bit.

I’m thinking of that scene in the first Robocop film; “fellow executives…. It’s a pleasure to introduce you to the future of law enforcement…..ED……the Enforcement Droid series”

Ok, maybe not such a futuristic movie today, but hell, that was supercool in 1987!

It’s a pleasure to introduce you to the future of Optimum Health; ‘Ergogenic Aids’

You can, of course, class any performance enhancing food, supplement, vitamin, herb, mineral etc, natural or otherwise, under the banner of ‘Ergogenic Aids’, and I remember reading a copy of ‘Ergogenic Aids and Muscular Performance’ in the Brixton public library, in 1976/7.

As a young impressionable athlete, it blew me away that this underutilized knowledge was out there.

I would read the book for half an hour in my lunch break, then hide it behind a library radiator, so no one else could have the secrets!

Fuck knows who else I thought would be roaming around the Brixton library that I’d end up fighting in the ring one day, or perhaps outside the local Wimpy bar, and obviously, the book wasn’t the only copy in the world either, but no one else must know this, I thought.

But I was just 17, 5’8” and 115lbs had just started my Martial Arts training, and was getting the shit kicked out of me 4 nights a week.

Even a regular sized female black belt, seemed like a fucking Amazonian Wonder Woman to me, and I was getting shit from them also.

So I needed all the help I could get, and as the book described; Ergogenic Aids, was anything ‘external’ to give me the mental or physical edge when competing, or at that time, just to get me up to speed with the class.

I really can’t describe how excited I was, reading that ‘secret’ book.

There were no Waterstones (big local bookstores), or Amazon in 1977, and 3 years later I even discovered where the rich people went, to buy all these fancy books for their home libraries.

It was called ‘Foyles’, and touted as ‘the world’s largest bookstore’, near London’s Theatreland, in the West End.

And would you believe, not a stone’s throw from where I was training in Earlham Street at the time.

I went up there (we South Londoners say ‘going up West’) on my Wednesday day off, and this store blew me away.

I’d never experienced such a thing. 5 floors of educational heaven since 1903.

You could fit Brixton library into it ten times at least, and my local home library in West Norwood was like a 7/11 in today’s money!

Anyway, long story short, 2 years later and a full 20lbs of solid muscle heavier, I’d won my first kickboxing fight with the PKA (Professional Karate Association), but please don’t be impressed, it was a full on American, Mickey Mouse operation, but I’d also come runner-up in our own clubs full contact tournament at 135lbs, which did mean the world to me.

2 years after that, and carrying another 10lbs of muscle, so a far more credible 145lbs, I was running my own club and, as did everyone in our camp to be fair, I had a physique to rival Bruce Lee.

People who call me a ‘natural’ at anything I do or have done, come as close as anyone does for a punch in the mouth.

Elsewhere on this site, you may discover just how hard a gainer I was, and still am.

To this day I still have to read all books, medical literature, and course materials at least 5 times, twice whilst taking notes, and finally do a mock stand up talk on the subject without notes, before I come close to nailing it.

To maintain my physique and physical performance is a ball busting task.

Turning an Ectomorph Greyhound, into a shredded, drug free Bulldog (115lbs to 170 at my peak aged 28), in just 11 years, is no mean feat I can tell you, and whilst I sit here 28 years later typing at 185, there are a good 10lbs of fat I could do without owning for sure, but the rest of me is still all muck and muscle.

Why am I telling you this?

It’s to explain why I believe from a coaching standpoint, that I can cater for the ‘Naturals’ out there no problem, though I think you’ll soon discover that’s mostly a myth, but it would be fair to say there are some folks with certain genes that predispose them to certain sports, say, Michael Phelps in swimming for example.

And I don’t think I’ve ever seen a world-class decathlete without the prerequisite gene pool of excellence.

But for the hard gainer, the regular guy in the street, and Sally homemaker, I can offer a unique skill set like no other coach.

To help me learn and understand all the medical, nutritional, physiological and psychological jargon out there, I’ve had to translate it all into plain English, then place it into stories, analogy’s and metaphors, that a 12-year-old can understand.


Because I started coaching my Son Steve at 12, in things like health and the law of attraction (earlier in some things), and it helps me to keep things simple for myself also.

I discovered very early on that ‘Experts’, from everything from web building to accountants to doctors, you name it, all of em to a man, over complicate everything quiet deliberately, and for good economic reasons.

The more baffled the layperson feels, the more out of her depth, then the more they will look up to, feel the need to consult with, spend more money on, and blindly follow the advice of these educated idiots.

One thing the experts definitely don’t want, is you or I going down the D.I.Y route, and cutting them out of the financial equation.

Moreover, these academic professionals will go out of their way to poo poo an Independent Researcher, Health advocate, and Life Coach like myself, drawing a correlation between the lack of my relevant ‘academic’ qualifications, with providing the wrong information.

Yet in reality, and certainly, in the areas of health, diet, nutrition, fitness, wealth creation, and right mindfulness, the experts are only academically qualified in giving out advice that’s 180 degrees in opposition to the true facts, and therefore their clients goals of optimum health, happiness, and wealth!

In other words, their ‘tragically well qualified in complete and utter bullshit’, and destroying people’s lives.

Would I like one of those qualifications?

Would you?

In my shoes, and knowing what I know, would you go to university at 30, 40 or 50, for five years or more of learning complete bollocks, and thus take your mind off of truly helping people for half a decade?

Would it be worth the degree, or PhD?

And having achieved it, simply to become more credible to a hoard of morons, would you then be willing to proceed to outcast yourself from that very profession you just invested 6 years in, or potentially end up in prison, as doctors who give proper cancer advice often do, or the victim of multiple lawsuits?

The only academic things that have remotely interested me over the past 40 years, have been Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chiropractic, or becoming a Naturopathic Doctor.

I went off the idea of TCM years ago, because I felt there are enough good people out there already, and whilst the thought of becoming a Doctor in Naturopathy is still appealing, I would still have to study ‘allopathic’ (regular medicine) for the first 4 years, and spend only the last two years studying what I really wanted to learn.

At 56, I can’t stand wasting a moment of my life on complete bollocks, and I know that the minute a lecturer stands up and says something on the course that’s clearly false, I’d have to call them out on it.

In all likelihood, I’d get slung out of the University long before I got to the bit I wanted to study in years 4 to 6.

Besides which, how much of it all don’t I already know, and how much of that remaining knowledge can I learn in my own time, over the coming years?

So essentially, I’d be doing it for the qualification alone.

Perhaps to pander to my own ego, which is already way bigger than ever wanting to be a fucking doctor, I can tell you, or to appease the millions of morons out there, who still love the feel of a doctors balls on their chin before they’ll swallow anything!

Well fuck em, I wouldn’t want them swallowing anything of mine anyhow!

Even my parents, now in their 80’s, have come to realise that the medical profession (bar 1%) are douchbags, that would have them both already in the boneyard, or at best drooling in a care home on ten different meds.

Both of them, if not for my intervention and their own adult education, would be on statins, blood thinners, thyroid meds and such like, not to mention the unnecessary flu shot each year, full of mercury and aluminium.

So it’s not like I’m some bloody teenager trying to validate my existence to my Mummy and Daddy, who already know doctors are scum.

I know I’d need to do anatomy and physiology, chemistry and so on, but I’d fly through that with what I already know, but when I sniff big pharma poking their noses into the curriculum (and remember, they both set the curriculum, and fund the medical education system, so they’ve got a right to), then I’d get in trouble pretty quick.

I’ve attended numerous medical conferences over the years, on various ailments and things that interest me, such as cardiology, only to be disappointed to discover fuck all being discussed about how to prevent heart problems through dietary, nutritional or fitness interventions, but a shit ton about the latest drugs, and how there so much more effective than the previous versions.

These pharma people hate spending unnecessary money, and the only reason they’ll upgrade a drug is when it’s about to come off patent, and so can be made in India for pennies on the dollar.

So new drug, new patent, equals continued ludicrous profits.

It’s also a great time for them to spin a truly amazing line of bullshit!

Question; if the old drug is 1% effective, and the new version is 2%, then obviously the new drug is 1% better than the old one, yes?

Oh no, it isn’t, my old China!

Not when you have special rules, and friends in high places like big pharma do.

1% would be the ‘Absolute Benefit’ of the new drug, because out of 100 people, 1 was saved before, and now 2 are saved, which would obviously be fucking embarrassing, to say the least, so drug companies are allowed (legally, thanks to people you elected), to cite ‘Relative Benefit’ instead.


So 2%, relative to 1%, is twice as effective yes?

So that’s 100% more effective than the previous version of the drug. Wow, that’s brilliant!

And that’s what they’ll say all over there advertising blurb and promotional material scattered around your doctor’s surgery like a mad woman’s shit.

Now you tell me if that’s not deception of the highest order.

Using this deception, the makers of the biggest selling drugs in the world (Statins), are able to claim to reduce the risk of heart attacks by 36%.

Because 3 in a hundred had another heart attack without the drug, and only 2 of the hundred did while taking it.

So again, the bestselling drug on the planet is actually only 1% effective, but because 3 ‘Relative’ to 2 is 36% better, that’s the horseshit they run with, and people you care about, swallow.

The long list of dreadful side effects, like memory loss, dementia, impotence, diabetes, and hilariously, ‘heart attack’, is way too risky for a 1% potential gain, even if you are in the at-risk group.

Bet your feeling like a mug if you’re a statin user right now, eh?

Especially when I tell you that even that pathetic 1% effectiveness, was only achieved with men who had already had a heart attack!

That’s right, the 100 men were already fucked from the get-go.

The statins took the chances of another episode down from 3 in that already fucked up 100, to 2.

So for women, they are totally worthless, and for men who have never had a heart episode as yet, also worthless!

How’d you like them apples?

Here’s the actual ad (below) for the dogshit drug, and you can see in the smaller print, that there quite upfront about things.

How come?

Because they’re confident that anyone scared shitless about heart disease, will have their eyes drawn to the 36% number and the super intelligent man in the picture. Surely he wouldn’t take the drug if it was crap?

Erm, well yes he would, because he was paid $1.35 million for it, so I’m guessing he didn’t do it for love.

He also admitted he didn’t invent the artificial heart, his mentor; Willem Kolff, and his colleague Tetsuzo Akutsu did.

He’s seen in a TV ad for Lipitor, rowing across a lake, all fit and trim.

But Pfizer used a body double for him because he’s flabby and old, and cant row a boat!

In view of all that coming to light at a congressional hearing, and the fact that whilst having a degree, doc Jarvik wasn’t licensed to practice medicine, nor was he a cardiologist, Pfizer decided to pull the ads.

In other words, he could have been a fucking foot doctor for all anybody knew!

So Pfizer did the right thing by pulling the ad’s, because their such fine people, though not before the drug had made them sales of $12.7 billion, in 2007 alone!

Of course, no one focuses on the 97 men of the group surviving without the drug, and what they may or may not be doing to still be alive, and what we might learn from them.

No, that simply wouldn’t make economic sense to a pharmaceutical shareholder, and god forbid the whole group may learn something that keeps them all from death’s door, without the awful side effects of their drug.

That would be a financial disaster for them!

So rather than focus on what survivors are doing without intervention, which is, by the drug companies own figures, 97% effective, we instead pay attention to the 2% who have another heart attack, probably because their still smoking, boozing and stressed out, then stretch that 2% to 3% with a horrible drug by using the miraculous properties of ‘Relative Benefit’, rather than true ‘Absolute Benefit’, and the wonder drug gets worldwide approval, as a 36% effective product.

And that’s the sort of absolute shit your doctor is listening to, at all these conferences he attends.

The catering and full bar they lay on at these medical functions are amazing though, so if you’re a fat alcoholic, chain-smoking GP, who doesn’t have a fucking clue of the difference between ‘Absolute’ and ‘Relative’ benefits, nor what actually causes heart disease, and the true facts about dietary cholesterol (because it wasn’t on the drug-funded University course), then everything you hear at the conference will all sound solid and dandy to you.

Heart Attacks, Obesity, Diabetes, Dementia, Cancer; it’s all been a Big Fat Lie!

I’ve never been more than 15 lbs off of looking great in my boxers, and even then only since hitting 50, and after suffering horrendous adrenal fatigue.

So on that note, if your reading this and over 40 with more than 20 lbs to lose, you really must examine my post on ‘Adrenal Burnout’, and get familiar with how your hormones affect everything to do with your body composition.

That said, I can shed 10 of that 15 lbs inside 10 days, and the other 5 lbs in 3 weeks if the mood took me, all with the help of some real science.

As I sit here writing this for you, I’d say I’ve got 10 lbs of belly fat to lose before feeling comfortable in a suit, doing some filming, or a seminar etc.

I’m using myself as an example here because what if I dropped those 10 lbs, but 3 lbs of it were water, 4 lbs was muscle, 2 lbs was bone density, and only 1 lb was fat.

How bloody retarded would I be?

But that’s what people are doing the world over, through a total lack of understanding of an incredibly complex and very individual subject, as fat loss.

In fact, vanity to one side for a moment, the only fat that really scares the shit out of me, isn’t in my arteries, on my arse, or showing up as a few extra inches on my waist.

It’s called ‘Visceral fat’ that surrounds my internal organs. That’s what we should all want going first and foremost.

Fat in your arteries won’t be a problem for you, not as a Blunt Coach Member, just in case you’re wondering.

But if that’s not an option for you (hiring us), It’ll only take you 10 or 20 hours of study time to get the fuck away from unhealthy vegetable fats and spreads, and back to natural saturated healthy fats, butter and cream.

Maybe another ten hours to discover the right heart-healthy exercise protocol for your age (and that won’t be cardio), and a few more hours on anti-inflammatory issues, which is vital to the over 35’s.

For example, if the average French or Swiss person consumes 3 to 4 times the butter and cream than the average American, yet suffers half the heart disease, then I wonder what the real dietary component is that’s massacring people by the millions?

There are another good 10 hours of study for you.

Just make sure, when you discover the answer to the Swiss/French paradox, that you don’t start combining that deadly macro-nutrient, with the right type of fats, or else you’ll have created another time bomb for yourself.

Tight bastards can go find all this out for themselves, while my members will save those 40 hours, read the evidence I provide at their leisure and get back to their families, businesses, or the golf course!

Sounds awful I know, to be calling anyone a tight bastard, and I get tons of shit from my newer personal clients and new members, for giving away the amount of info I do, for free.

Such as what you just learned about the world’s best-selling drug. Because unless you’re deaf dumb and blind, then that free info just added decades to somebody’s life, who’s already on the poison, or due to be prescribed it tomorrow.

Once clients have been with me for a while though, they become attuned to four vitally important factors to consider, as to what I let go for free.

1/ I only give away less than 20% of what a client or member needs to know, or has access to.

Thus, without the other 80%, the puzzle can by no means be completed, not without rigorous study amounting to a minimum of 40 hours on each topic.

That’s 40 hours digging in the right spot mind you, and there are people right now, who are blowing a fuse studying this website, because it’s dawning on them right quick, that the so-called ‘goldmines’ they’ve been digging in for information the past 20 years (books, courses, DVD’s, doctors, self-help guru’s, etc.), were empty for a good reason!

They were Shit-mines!

And what would you expect to find on the end of your shovel (your life), after digging in such a place?

So I try to give enough information to create an interesting, thought-provoking, and highly educational article, that makes perfect sense, but at the same time will still require around 40 hours of further study time to implement the knowledge fully, and to effect lasting change.

So it all boils down to what’s your time worth to you?

And this is how Steve and I earn our living.

Wealthy people with mansions, swimming pools, yachts and 4 super-cars, seldom clean and maintain their own homes, grounds, boats and cars etc, so paying us a grand an hour becomes a cheap date compared with 40 hours at their own hourly rate.

Make sense?

And that’s why we target high net wealth individuals as clients.

Our family package for example, where we take care of anyone in our principle clients immediate family for a whole year, costs 50 grand.

That service extends to any staff he may employ, who we’ll make healthier, happier and more productive, as well as better salespeople where applicable, till the client’s had 50 grands worth of increased value from this alone.

If you’re not rich ‘yet’ you might like to consider this free bit of wealth wisdom from me;

Why would you use a $1,000 an hour mind, to do a 20 dollar an hour task?

That’s why, by and large, wealthy people understand the value of their time, an extra decade on their lives, and healthier children and grandchildren.

I’m not saying of course, that if you’re rich you can’t maintain your immense lawns and flowerbeds, if that’s your passion, go do it. But otherwise, it just doesn’t make sense.

Ok, so what if you work in a 7/11, and only earn $20 an hour?

How do you start doing better for yourself, and one day be in a position to hire us?

Hey, I’d tell you to get a loan, but it’d be considered unethical, unless of course, you’re going to spend it on a beach seminar with Tony Robbins, or buy a new car! Go figure.

But say there was 5 hours overtime available on your current day off, and instead of taking the overtime, you chose to spend 4 solid hours on cleaning your home top to bottom, on that very day.

Well what if you could get a reliable, honest, respectful and recommended person in, for 4 hours once a week, but at just $10 an hour cash!

You earn $100 for your overtime, and pay $40 for someone who’s grateful for the cash, maybe lives real close, and they can even use your cleaning products.

Now I know you’re working 5 hours instead of 4, and you’re paying tax on your $100. I’ve thought about that.

But if you’re fighting me on this, then it’s just one of the reasons you may never become rich.

You must understand, you become rich by thinking like rich people think, only you need to think that way while you’re still poor!

Oh! So you thought you’d wait till you became a millionaire before you started thinking like one, did you?

How’s that been working out for you so far then?

Besides, you won’t be nearly as fucked after 5 hours at work, than you will be after 4 hours of cleaning and scrubbing; you may even meet someone interesting at the store, who gives you a leg up in life.

Who’re you gonna meet on your hands and knees, cleaning your toilet bowl?

Your boss might give you a promotion, you may become the Manager, and one day tell a customer how you’d love to own the franchise, as you have great ideas to improve the store.

That customer may be a finance expert, bank manager or entrepreneur, who can help you out.

And even after tax, your still way better off financially, so quit looking for reasons why you can’t and won’t be rich, and focus on the reasons you can and will!

Assuming 20% tax on the overtime, then a year from now you’ll have $1,300 spare to spend on your education, a seminar or two, or a Blunt Coach Private Membership!

And if you mention that I forgot the travelling time to and from work, and your fuel costs, I’m gonna fucking punch you!

Onto the next reason, we give so much away.

2/ Most people do fuck all with free information anyhow!

It seems to be worth exactly what they paid for it, so only comes in useful at dinner parties or down the pub.

That’s why I get stick for posting 400,000 words of free, information jammed articles, across multiple subjects, here at Blunt Coach.

But we’re also thinking;

3/ What if the person really can’t afford us?

What if she’s on her own, raising two kids, with just a part-time job?

What if he’s a bright student without a rich Daddy to tap, who’s won a scholarship somewhere out of sheer merit, and washes dishes at night to pay for books and stuff?

Or what if a person is bankrupt, and can’t get a loan for my services, or currently has no income?

What about those poor souls?

Even I will concede there are some genuine cases of hardship out there, and at the very least I/we have an obligation to spark their education into the world of personal development, together with some blatant clues of where to start looking.

And I offer an abundance of that here, for free, and now you know why.

These people may never show up on my bank statement, but from a karmic standpoint at least, there is much to be gained from facilitating positive life changes in any fellow human, that is way more important than money.

And no, I’m not contradicting myself, and nor will this full information ever be given for free, because I have outrageous retirement plans, as well as sky-high living costs in the here and now that need paying for, plus go back and look at point number 2, its vital you get your Jew brain around that one!


4/ Because of the controversial and adversarial contents of our head’s, I truly feel that having been previously conditioned to the crap help out there, our potential clients and members will require more exposure to the free stuff, before being expected to pay good money for the ‘meat and two veg’ of Blunt Coaching, because it’s so radically different.

So, we have to make the free soup and bread very tasty, in order to sell the other courses, because our material is so fundamentally different from the mainstream.

We have no problem with our younger clients because from 14 (Steve’s youngest client), to 30, they have relatively little invested in the bullshit that’s been stuffed down their throats, over say a maximum of ten years.

However, being 40, 50 or 80 years old, and discovering you’ve been lied to, yes, flat out fucking lied, cheated, and swindled out of a way better quality of life, is indeed a bitter pill to swallow.

These people suffer unimaginable and unnecessary hardships in every aspect of their lives, and few of them are strong enough to poke their heads through the veil of bullshit, long enough to catch a glimpse of reality as it should be, here at Blunt Coach.

You know, maybe an undeniable government scandal like Nixon or Clinton gets them thinking a little bit, or discovering that the British Royal family changed their names to Windsor in 1917 because they were fucking German, or that Henry Ford built parts for German tanks during the war, and so on.

Maybe these indisputable facts and thousands of others over the decades make them stop for a moment or two and ponder their navels, or think ‘bloody governments’, ‘who can you trust?’ etc.

But usually, and sometimes within hours, depending on how much they have invested in the conditioning, its business as usual, and back to getting buttfucked by all and sundry.

Last night, for example, a friend ‘confided’ in me, that he’s questioning ‘the cholesterol-heart hypothesis’ regarding the so-called connection between saturated fat, cholesterol and heart disease.

Fuck me!

“Sorry mate,” I told him, “but that was front page news in the British press two years ago, I’ve known about it for 15 years, and smarter people than me, for 30”.

It’s in the medical literature going back to the 1950’s, and the oldest evidence I can find anywhere, dates back to 1885!

Yet if you were to stop a hundred people in the street in 2015 and ask them questions, 99 of them will agree, that the ‘facts are’ that animal or any saturated fats are unhealthy, and most certainly linked to heart disease, obesity, and diabetes, to name but 3 top killers.

That’s how powerful the conditioning is.

The programming, the brainwashing, it’s just astonishing how powerful it truly is, and how stupid people continue to be.

Even though we’re surrounded by more Autism, Alzheimer’s, Obesity, Diabetes, Cancer, and Heart attacks than ever!

Rather than assume we’ve all been dry fucked with misinformation for at least 50 years, we decide instead to further reduce dietary saturated fat, exercise even more, visit ‘Doctor death’ more regularly, and trust the BBC, Dr Oz (Dr Spaz more like), and Fox news, more implicitly than ever.

It must be us that’s fucking up we think, because no way would Dr Oz, healthcare in general, the psychiatric profession, the diet and food industry, the fitness, nutrition, media, legal, education or religious leaders, fuck us so hard in the arse, just to make a buck, or to cover up some embarrassing mistakes from the past.

No way they’d do that to people as nice as us!

Fuck me, sometimes when I write this stuff, I need to stop and have a reality check myself.

Of course, they bloody would.

Why do people go into business in the first place?

That’s any business, anywhere in the world, and at any time in history.

Could it be for ‘PROFIT?’

And what will put them out of business, quicker than a rabbit gets fucked?

Less income than the overheads needed to run the business.

A lack of profits in other words.

And does this first rule of business change if you’re running a university, news network, a medical, dental, legal, fitness, diet, nutrition, weight loss clinic, or church?

Fuck no!

The rules don’t change for any business organisation on the planet.

Not from someone selling ice cream, to that man who lives in the huge art gallery, surrounded by luxury, sex slaves and treasure.

Oh, you know, what’s his name, I can never remember.

Oh yeah, Mr Pope!

So if it’s all about wealth, market share, power and control, and this is achieved via sales and marketing skills and tactics, then surely everything we ever get sold can’t always be for our benefit, or the greater good, can it?

Can everything we’ve been taught, or lead to believe, seriously always be for the greater good?

Man are people dumb, or what?

Well, yes and no.

Some will never be snapped out of their fairy stories, and it’s not down to you and me to convert sceptics over to our mind-sets.

Don’t waste your time with sceptics my friend, because their fucking nailed, super-glued and magnetized, to the cross they carry through life.

That ‘cross’ by the way, is a metaphor for whatever dogma or flawed belief system the sceptics bought into, hook, line and sinker, be it religion, vegetarianism, NLP, CrossFit, or cardio.

If there’s anyone you’re looking to help, it’s the person that’s still dragging the cross around, but has already untethered 90% of the bonds to whatever the dogma is they’ve swallowed, in whichever industry we’re talking about.

These people are already smelling bullshit, but lack someone like you or me, to help them call it for sure.

You can help anyone pull a rusty nail out, and throw a wooden cross off a bridge, but you can’t make the Elephant Man handsome with a tummy tuck!

Blunt Coach Andy.


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