Is “Organic” food more than just a marketing phrase?

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  • Is “Organic” food more than just a marketing phrase? (free range eggs vs caged chicken eggs, cortisol, etc)

Hi, and thanks for the question.

First off, the UK Government, after reviewing more than 150 studies concluded;

“There is no good evidence that consumption of organic food is beneficial to health in relation to nutrient content.”

So, it’s now illegal to suggest any additional health benefits by going organic.

The Soil Association of the UK states, that when consumers are asked why they buy organic, 95% of them say their top reason is to avoid pesticides!

This totally overlooks the fact that organic doesn’t even mean chemical free, and merely means that producers can use up to 20 chemicals, deemed by authority as organic, many of which are still carcinogenic pesticides!

Let’s leap to the punch line, and explain the following.

According to the world’s leading toxicologist; Bruce Ames,” we cry like babies about synthetic carcinogens giving us cancer and the like, yet we get 10,000 times that from eating plants!”

No, that’s not a typo or an extra zero, it is 10,000 times.

A cabbage contains 49 known carcinogens and broccoli has 100 chemicals, 50 of which are also classed as carcinogens!

Organic produce is now a $50 plus billion, worldwide market.

And anywhere there’s $50 billion to be found, there’s some very clever sales and marketing people in the vicinity.

You reading this, may already have a healthy respect for my trade, and since this site is mainly dedicated to anyone in sales, then you may well be in the profession yourself.

When consumers start to underestimate how inventive clever people like us can get with $50 billion at stake, you can bet they’re about to get bent over and dry fucked, yet again, and non-more so than vegetarians who, on a scale of gullibility, are off the fucking chart!

Even the word ‘Organic’ sounds sexy, doesn’t it?

From the Latin word Organicus, meaning ‘to masturbate furiously’

Just kidding, but in medical terms the dictionary says ‘organic’; ‘of or having to do with a body organ’, and you have to admit that the word organic, is not that far from organ, orgasm or orgasmic, is it?

And so it just gets worse for the organic mob, because it turns out that with non-organic, when you spray a plant with manmade pesticides, the plant can take a break from making its own chemicals needed to kill bugs, and instead make more chemicals that make the plant healthy.

These are the very same phytochemicals, that also work to make us healthy!

Organic plants however, are bred, surprise surprise, to make more of their own deadly pesticides, plus, when the pests get to them, the levels of these toxins in the plant go through the roof.

Organics contain more toxins than non-organic!

And non-organic contains more of the healthier chemicals!

That’s the punchline, and I bet you didn’t see that one coming, did you?

Be well,

Blunt Coach Andy

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